Reconnecting To The Divine Through The Power of Prayer…


I think it is safe to say that life, as we have known it up until this point, is different now. This past year, I have had to reach into parts of me that, for some reason, I had turned into white noise I was ignoring. Often, when we are faced with a situation in life that is too unbearable to deal with ourselves, or we think is impossible, we go back to what has always been proven to help…Faith. I am not talking per se about religion, but faith. All souls here on Earth, come from the same place. We are given missions and assignments in this life that we have to learn. Some of those assignments may be believing in other things than many others believe in. But, for me, this has been a year of faith and trust in the Divine like never before. Through the course of my necessities, I found my way back to a few things. I had a deep conversation with God. I admitted that I had somehow gotten very lost in life. I had remembered that every time I had gone to God with something, no matter the size of the request, HE always found a way and answered my prayers. When I was in my twenties, there were many times I found myself in not the right spot for me in life. I asked God to send me a sign. HE did! At that moment, I wasn’t a fan of the sign he had sent me. I asked HIM to send me another one. HE did! The second time the message that HE was leading me away from something was even louder. In that situation, all had worked out in my favor in the long run. When I found myself tired of waking up every morning for what felt like months from a stomach issue, I went to God and said, I know you think I am strong, but I am tired of feeling this way, please help. HE did. I had quit smoking for nine months and then for some reason, started again. years later when I knew I was ready to quit because I wanted to, I went to God and asked him for a second chance at it. I asked HIM to make it as easy as it was for me the first time I quit. The first time I quit, I stopped cold. I didn’t use any tools or have any cravings, nothing. I went with my whole heart and said if you can make it that easy for me one more time. The next day, I quit cold. No cravings, no urges, as I had never smoked at all. Every time I had turned to HIM in my time of need, HE never failed.

Many years later, I found myself very sick, and in and out of the hospital. Many Doctors looked at me and were unsure how I was even alive. I specifically remember one night in October 2016, when I was 33, I showed up to the ER around 1:00 am because I had been vomiting for days and wasn’t stopping. I had been having a very difficult time walking for months, but people had brushed certain things off because I was only in my thirties. The Doctors at the ER decided to do a CT Scan to see if it was related to one of my medical conditions. About thirty minutes later, the DR had come back in the room with a very shocked look and specifically said, “I do not know how you are alive right now.” He informed me that I had five blood clots. One in my abdominal aorta, both kidneys, spleen and one in my femoral artery. He also said that from right above my belly button to the end of my pelvis all of my arteries including my Superior Mesenteric Artery that supplies vital blood flow to the colon were completely occluded. The only blood supply I had been getting to my lower organs and my legs was because my body had created a bypass and grown new capillary veins. When I was released over a week later, I was desperate and found a prayer online for a Miracle. I will admit, I said it before going to sleep and when I woke up the next morning, I will be honest, I was pissed I didn’t feel better. I may have even told God and Jesus WTH. I continued to say that prayer a few more times but had given up when I didn’t receive my Miracle healing right away. This was just one of many situations when I had been questioned how I was still alive. Fast forward three years later, I found myself faced with something that was even more challenging than my health issues and, as I mentioned, felt very lost and broken inside in ways I had never felt previously.

You would think it would be easier for a person who is lucky enough to hear God when I ask him a question. But, even I had gotten off track.

Once I had made amends with God and myself about some things in my life, I came to a realization. When I was pissed because I couldn’t see or feel the Divine when I needed them the most, I was wrong! They had always been there. I had been given my Miracle; it had just taken some time to come to the surface for me because it was on Divine timing. Which, in case you don’t know, is always on time. It is never early, never late, always exactly when it is meant to arrive. It was through the course of the greatest necessity of my life that I began to see things so clearly, and pieces of my soul and purpose and Destiny were aligning. God had been preparing me all my life with the tools needed to overcome any obstacles that would stand in the way.

The Power of Prayer is a very real thing! We have to remember that God is even more attached to our happiness and us fulfilling our Soul Purpose than we are. He created us to be our best selves. So, when you go to HIM, HE will always show up for you, no matter what. HE helped me to find some tools that have truly made an impact in my life, and reconnect me to the Divine in a way I always should have been but had been ignoring. One of the many things that has fascinated me about this process up to this point, is how God will also place people in your life so that when you reach out to friends, family, and loved ones they will also be there to help you. Divine tools to succeed come in both Human form and other items.  Although my current necessities are still coming to the surface, I know God and all of the Divine are on it.

This is the Miracle Prayer I had mentioned I had said back in 2016:

Dear God Prayer

I wanted to share with you some of the amazing tools; I have been blessed to find in this process.

Thank You Prayer

Align Holy Spirit Prayer

Healing Traumas Prayer

I had even been working very closely with Jesus and Mother Mary during this process, as well. It took me some time to realize that it was true what they had said that Jesus had never changed and what he did in the Bible, Jesus does today. I have seen it in my own life! Once I realized “oh my” that is a true statement, it blew my mind. Mother Mary had mentioned I should do the Rosary, and what an amazing teacher to learn from than Mother Mary herself. She helped me create a very powerful form of the Rosary, which combines a prayer novena for her and the traditional rosary. Here is that combined document if you are guided to use the Rosary as well in your everyday life, or being guided to get closer to your faith once more. Below you will find the traditional Rosary, and also a revised version that is a more uplifting vibration, that was directly guided from Spirit on the revisions.

Rosary Prayer

Revised Elysian Life Design Rosary Prayer

One of the most important tools that I will share with you is that I had truly learned to let go, and let God. Again, I am blessed with a God-given a gift to hear God. HE would say to me, “Stacey, give me the control.” And, I would say, “God, I like the control!” We went back and forth, for a few days, but HE always gets HIS point across and as soon as I turn over everything. And I mean everything. Every part of my life, being and the world, that is when movement happened. God had tapped me into my own life, and said: “Girl, this is the moment I have been preparing you for, let’s go, we got work to do.” Let Go, and Let God. I promise you HIS WILL is to lead you to happiness, health and a life that is beyond what you could have ever dreamed of possible. But, we have to say to HIM let your WILL be done. Get me out of my way and lead the way. When I did this, I started to see positive changes in my life. My life, being and world started aligning to God’s WILL for me. Even my mind become clear, and I had peace in my mind, and in my thoughts.

We all have it in us. We all have access to it; we just forget that it is there. We can get caught up in all of the external things in life, but always remember that we never have to go through it alone. If we can move past the fear, and say “HELP” God will. So will all of the Divine, but we have to ask for it.

If you are lost and having a hard time, turn everything over — every part of yourself and your life. Sometimes, you will see things happen within seconds. Some other things are going to take some time to unfold. But trust that even before you ask for help, they see it, so the moment you ask, they are already working it out for your highest good. Be patient in the process and know that truly with God on your side, all things are possible. There is nothing stronger, more powerful or more loving than God, and HE will never fail you, just like HE has never failed me, or anyone for that matter. I often tell HIM that I am grateful he never goes back on the promises HE places in your heart. It doesn’t matter if someone else says no, or that can’t be done, or that is impossible. When it is God’s WILL, HE will make way for it to be done. I have seen HIM do it for me. I am watching HIM doing it all around me, and I know no matter who you are if you are reading this, HE leads you to it and HE will do it for you as well.

Stay Inspired!


© 2019 Elysian Life Design. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without written permission from this site’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Elysian Life Design with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

Healing Through Forgiveness…

In life, everything comes down to two things. Fear and Love. That’s it, fear and love. Those are the two choices we have to work with. It can be so easy to pick fear and hold on to everything because it is familiar, and it is what we know. Even if it is no longer working for us, we stay stagnant and resist the changes that are being worked through us because we can be scared to face some uncomfortable things in life. We spend a lot of life pushing things down. Know, or perhaps we feel judged because we trusted someone with information and they used it to manipulate us.  Or, their response did not make you feel secure and supported which was what you needed. If that has happened to you, as hard as it may be, that person you turned to in your time of need that responded poorly or talked you out of doing something that you wanted to do, or hurt you so badly to the core that you have been unable to let it go. Is it unfair, yes, it is. But, that person, was coming from a place of their best. And, that they could give at the time. Sometimes, even at our best, we can be our worst. Sometimes, the people we turn to bring out the worst in us. It is an opportunity to learn from our “teachers” to fix these triggers and wounds within ourselves. Take a deep look at the root of the trigger and come to a place where it no longer triggers you. Trust me, it can take a while to forgive and work through some of these things. It won’t happen overnight, but it will happen. There is one key step that you need to take first before you venture along the path of forgiveness of others. You have to start with forgiving yourself!

The relationship that we have with ourselves is the foundation that we have with everyone else in our life. I used to think it was crap when people would say that to me. I thought that they didn’t know what they were talking about. The first step of forgiveness that you must take is looking at yourself and forgiving yourself for the things you did unknowingly. For that one time you saw all the red flags but continued down the path anyway and it led you to a bad place. It’s time to forgive yourself. If you are replaying things or decisions in your mind that when badly for you a month ago, or forty years ago – STOP. To move forward, you have to forgive yourself for feeling like you let yourself down. Some of you may read that and think, that’s crap. You can think that now and that is ok. But, you may find a moment in your life where it clicks. You will look at it and say, I couldn’t forgive whatever situation, because, at the root, I forgave the wrong person. That is why sometimes, you can forgive someone, but it still bothers you and it can continue to boil inside and eat away at you. Go back to the situation and forgive yourself. Then, when you do that, you can come to a place where you can let it go fully from your mind, body, and soul. Holding onto unforgiveness, only hurts you. The other person, may or may not care or even give it a second thought. But you have to free yourself from it first. It all starts with you.

It won’t be easy, but it will be worth it in the long run. Through forgiveness, you can find patience and compassion, not only for yourself but others. Peace in your heart that filters into the peace of mind that so many of us have been trying to find for so long. We can turn the fear and ego out and have peace. It comes from the inside out. So, as you venture into forgiveness, start with you, and then work yourself out to the other people in your life. If those people see the growth and happiness, they will either look and you and ask how did you get happy, or I don’t forgive you. If they can’t forgive you, that is ok. That is on them, not you. The moment you truly forgive yourself and then them, you are free from the burden of carrying it and can move forward. Spend some time using the Ho’oponopono payer:

I’m sorry, please forgive me, I thank you, I love you

Do this for yourself for five minutes a day for at least seven days in a row. When and if you want, if you feel that perhaps you can’t face the other person you need to forgive, close your eyes, visualize them in front of you and say the prayer for your situation with them.  Let it then all workout, and it will. That is when the healing process can begin to fully come full circle and spread through your entire life.

Stay Inspired,


© 2019 Elysian Life Design. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without written permission from this site’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Elysian Life Design with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

The Day I Met Santa…


The story of Santa Claus is one a lot of us grew up with. Learning about and experiencing the Magic that is Yuletide from songs about good old Saint Nick and leaving out milk and cookies for him on Christmas Eve is a magical part of so many people’s childhoods. I remember being young and thinking, “How does he get around the world in one night?”

But, as we get older, the world around us seems intent on convincing us that it is not cool or acceptable to believe in something magical, something that we cannot immediately understand with our logical minds. I am going to share with you a story that I have not shared with many people. I hope it’s something that will inspire some hope or magic this Holiday Season.

Back in 2012, I had a profound experience on the Winter Solstice. If you remember, that coincided with the last day of the Mayan Calendar. Many of us now know the energy changed in the world that day and it was like a veil had been lifted. Well, that was the day when, for whatever reason, the light switch inside of me turned on, and with it, all of my Spiritual gifts. It was on that day that I realized that I had been suppressing my connection with Spirit.

That experience awakened my soul and put me on the path to my Spirituality. It awakened me from all my years of slumber. Ever since that day, I have always been acutely aware of the magic that can happen at this time of year. Some call it a Christmas Miracle, some the Winter Solstice, and others simply call it December 21st.

For most of my life, I had experienced health challenges, mostly various autoimmune challenges. As my soul went through this newfound awakening, some of those issues came to a cataclysmic result. Three years later, in 2015, I found myself in a hospital bed – the week before Christmas. Although things weren’t as bad as they had been in the past, or in hindsight as bad as they were going to get, no one loves being in the hospital, especially right before the holidays.

I have always been able to sense things but I often ignored them or pretended they did not exist. I could be in a space and know that something else was there with me and get a sense of energy from it. I know that others can sense things too. We often think this is bad or scary energy because we do not understand what it is. The unknown is often an unsettling experience. When I fell asleep, I would often hear people talking to me or calling my name, and sometimes saying things I wasn’t sure I wanted to hear. I remember thinking, “Why do they always want to talk to me right before I am about to go to sleep?” Well, that was because, at that time in my life, that was the only time my vibrations were high enough to be open to receiving the messages.

I knew energy and spirits were around and there was this whole universal aspect of life. But, I was not sure I was ready to fully embrace that part of who I was. I continued to live my life that way for many years and had done an excellent job suppressing them, or so I had thought. When that switch flipped, everything became clear, and yet I understood there was so much to learn, and so many more questions. That day, on the Winter Solstice, that was the day I stepped into my full relationship with Spirit, the Divine, and I awakened to my purpose.

So, in 2015, as I was lying in that hospital bed contemplating life and trying my best to focus on the Christmas magic I could still harness, even if I was not at a magical Winter Solstice event. When it happened. That was when I saw Santa Claus walk through my hospital wall.

I may have just lost some of you for a moment, so let me repeat that, Santa Claus walked through the wall. Red suit, holly jolly, Saint Nick…

The hospital can be a very active place for someone who is sensitive to energy, or who can see and hear Spirits. But, never in my life had I expected to see that.

Surprisingly, my first thought was not fear or disbelief, but I remember thinking, “Ok, things are about to get interesting!” As Santa walked closer to my bed, I did what any person would do. I said, “Hi, Santa.” He walked over to my bedside and held my right hand. As he did this, he shared his trade secrets with me, and my mind was officially blown. In that moment, I remember thinking, this makes SO much sense.

Before I tell you a little of what Santa said, it is important to understand that everything is an energy frequency. As humans, we are made up of billions of particles that are made out of energy, therefore, we are energy. And, anything is possible if you tap into the right frequency of that energy.

Here is what Santa told me.

He said, “If Spirit is energy, and energy can be anywhere, then all of us have been looking at Santa the wrong way!”

He is not a physical man who comes down our chimneys at night and leaves us physical gifts under the tree! He does something much more important. Santa is energy. Whether believing is seeing, or seeing is believing, Santa is Spirit energy. Just like how the Universe is energy and we know there is something larger than ourselves in the Universe. Because Santa is this energetic frequency, he can be anywhere and everywhere all at the same time. Spirit frequency knows no time, and therefore time does not exist.

That, for me, solved the question of how he travels around the world in one night and visits every child while they sleep. What he continued to tell me was that every Christmas Eve, he visits the hearts of every child and person who believes in the magic of Christmas. He might not come in physical form, but he manifests energetically, he delivers the most powerful and profound gift to those believers. To a child or adult who has an open heart to the power of belief, he gives them the gift of “Christmas Spirit.”

Christmas Spirit is something that will mean different things to different people. For some, it is peace on Earth, kindness to other people, the charity of giving and helping those in need, good tidings, and cheer. For others, it may mean something else. But, the magic of Christmas, the kind of magic that can bring miracles, is the Christmas Spirit. That frequency of peace, joy, blessings, and gratitude for all that we already have in our lives.

This kind of frequency can bring peace on Earth if every person opens their heart to it more.

To me, that is the most important gift of all; one that is surrounded by unconditional love from the Universe, from God. Miracles, kindness, belief, peace, and happiness to the human soul.

So, as Santa stood there holding my hand, he asked me if my heart was open to receiving the Christmas Spirit. Of course, I said yes! As he leaned down and kissed my forehead to give me the gift of the Christmas Spirit, I felt the cells in my body as they reawakened to the magic that Santa Claus had just gifted me. As the Spirit of Christmas was now inside of me, he said his goodbyes, gave me an old-fashioned Santa wink of his eye, touched my nose with his finger, and said, “See you next year!” Then, he left the way he came and walked back through the wall, off to deliver the Christmas Spirit to another person.

The very next day, I was told that I would be going home. Some may not view this as a Christmas Miracle, but I sure considered it as one.

Since that day, I have seen Christmas differently. It is not about a gift under the tree. It is, in fact, about filling our hearts with the magic of the “Christmas Spirit” and all the other forms of spiritual gifts that come from tapping into its energy.

So, this Holiday Season, even though life may have brought you in a direction that makes it hard to believe in Santa, or perhaps you and your family want to incorporate a new tradition, one that doesn’t cost anything but will give you the best gift, I encourage you to try and open your hearts to the magic that can be had and experienced – by believing, and allowing the Spirit of Santa to give you the most important gift you can get at Christmas… The Christmas Spirit.

Stay inspired,


© 2018 Elysian Life Design. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without written permission from this site’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Elysian Life Design with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

Upcoming Master Year of 11/2: And…

As a new year is upon us, we wonder “what is going to happen?” Each year carries a numerological energetic vibration to it. In 2018 the Universal Energetic Vibration will be an 11/ 2 year (2+0+1+8=11 (1+1=2)). Eleven is what’s considered a Master Number and, without getting to deeply into Numerology, typically Master Numbers don’t always get reduced to a single digit like other numbers. So, it can be an 11 or a 2. The year often marks the beginning of a new direction. Have you ever heard the saying “its 11:11 make a wish”? Well, think about 2018 as your opportunity to make a wish all year long! Eleven is a significant spiritual number that calls us to awaken, live our purpose, and allow our intuition to guide us in our new level of consciousness. Here are some themes we may be looking at in our own lives based on the energetic vibration of the 11/2 numbers:

  • Be patient and wait for opportunities to come to you
  • Be positive and proactive about finding love
  • Build upon what you already have
  • Consolidate and solidify what you started last year
  • Develop psychic abilities and enhance your intuition
  • Focus on your health and well-being
  • Improve your existing relationships with others
  • Practice mindfulness; consider getting some energy healing and practice meditation or yoga
  • Recognize, express, and release repressed emotions
  • Work on personal development
  • Work on self-love

You can read about the energetic vibration of both the 11 and the 2 here:

We are living in a era where time is going by faster than ever. Everything is rushed and it feels like people are not taking a Sunday stroll through life anymore, but running through it. Some people, not all, are impatient, rude and sometimes downright mean. But, there is also a lot of good and hope in the world. We just don’t hear about it with all the fears being projected in the media. So, what does this all mean? Here is what I feel we have the chance to do as a collective group this year.

  • We will take action toward our goals and dreams that we manifested in 2017.
  • Change can become impossible to ignore as we ache for it for humanity and are asking ourselves what we are tolerate and why.
  • A bold opportunity to be patient! Not only with others, but ourselves and to accept the opportunities that the Universe is working on for us.
  • With Jupiter spending this year in Scorpio, we will all seek the truth about things and not settle for less than the truth. That may even include no longer lying to ourselves about things.
  • Have the courage to trust our ability to do what we love and to have a relationship with whom we love while making enough money to thrive and trust that the Universe and the Divine are going to provide for us in a way that is best for our higher selves.

Do I think a shift is going to take place? Absolutely! I think it has already started with the Divine Feminine energy that came in with 2017. I think we no longer have a choice but to make a shift for the better. Change can be really scary for a lot of people. So, there may be some hesitation you see in others who decide to fight the change and do it the harder way instead of embracing it and sailing with the wind. A word of wisdom from my own experiences fighting change. It happens anyways. It is just easier if you go with it verse the alternative were the Universe pushes you into it. “Passion is energy. Feel the power that comes from focusing on what excites you.” – Oprah Winfrey

This is what the Universe as a whole will be vibrating at for 2018. We have what is called our personal year number that will also play into certain themes we may see in our own lives that is based on our birthdate. So, you will have the Universal Energy and your Personal Year number vibration themes for 2018. What are yours? Don’t know yours?

Stay Inspired,


© 2017 Elysian Life Design. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without written permission from this site’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Elysian Life Design with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

How to enhance your spiritual vision


I have been on my own journey of expanding my spiritual vision for almost 6 years now. After thinking about it, haven’t most of us been on some kind of spiritual vision quest for most of our lives even if we didn’t realize it. We go through various things in life that take us to that next level in our spiritual talents. Some call it a “gut feeling” some call it “intuition” but more often than not it is the same thing. Sometimes you just get that feeling inside you or perhaps have a vision in your mind that you should just go for something, or stay away. Hopefully, these tools will help you trust in those feelings more and expand your own spiritual vision.

The following is a great exercise to try when trying to open your third eye or expand spiritual insight. I personally tried it and found it incredibly helpful. So, that is why I have recommended it to others and they also experienced great results. You can read through the details here, be sure to follow the instructions precisely:  Awaken Your Third Eye

Another way to enhance your spiritual vision is through Meditation. Meditation has many benefits that can help in many areas in life and this can be a major one. Often times when we learn to quiet our mind, even if it is just for 10 minutes, we can slow our minds down from the fast pace of life and we can learn things from the connection of spirit that meditation can bring. There are also lots of amazing guided meditations on YouTube that you can watch for free that can really help not only allow you to get in a relaxed state but strengthen your inner vision. Sound can also be another way to not only enhance the meditation experience but also assist you in awakening senses that can enhance your spiritual vision. Helpful sounds could be drumming, singing bowls, chanting, etc. You may start to feel your third eye chakra (the area in the middle of your forehead above both eyes) start to pulse or vibrate. The more you use your spiritual abilities you will find that, over time, this can happen very easily.

A major part of enhancing your spiritual vision is trusting the messages or insights you start to receive. It can take years to truly start to trust yourself and believe that you have accurate insight. So, be sure to have some patience with yourself. Let’s face it. We have all wondered at some point “oh I made that up in my head” or “maybe I am losing my mind.” No one is playing deception with you. Trust what you hear. The more you realize what you heard was right the easier it will become to listen and possibly act on the messages. There is a game I like to play with my Guides to help me build my own levels of trust. It has helped other do so also. I talk about how you can play the game too in a previous blog. You can read here:

As part of any journey that awakens a new part of your thinking, it is important to really care for yourself on mind, body and spiritual levels while you are going through this process. I remember when I realized the things I was hearing weren’t in my head I was afraid to fall asleep. I thought if I did I would wake up and my abilities and insight would be gone. Once I got over that fear, I learned over the years that once the light switch per say is flipped on the only reason if will turn off is if you ask for it to shut down. You always have the ability to “shut down” should you become overwhelmed or feel that you are experiencing things that you don’t want to experience. But, if you decide you want to remain open, you will. So, it is important to treat your mind and body well so you don’t burnout during the process. Just stay positive, have patience, and practice your spiritual vision. Then, the whole world can open up to you.

“The more boundless your vision, the more real you are.” – Deepak Chopra

Stay Inspired


© 2016 Elysian Life Design. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without written permission from this site’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Elysian Life Design with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

Manifestation: Abundance, Prosperity & Wealth! 


“If we had no winter, the spring would not be so pleasant: if we did not sometimes taste of adversity, prosperity would not be so welcome.” Anne Bradstreet

Let’s face it we could all use some more abundance, prosperity and wealth in our lives. I know when I first started learning to manifest, I was so worried I would do it incorrectly and screw it all up, but the good news is, you really can’t do it wrong. Regardless of what method or tools you decide to use to manifest with, 99% of it is the intention behind it. So, unless you are asking for lack of abundance, prosperity or wealth, you’re good. Here are some of the things I like to work with when doing manifestation work:

Before you begin, make sure you have a clear picture of the outcome that you desire. Try writing it down as many times as necessary until you have it just right. Make sure you are clear and specific with your intention. Remember that is mostly your own magic that brings your manifested desires into reality.

First you may choose to set up a place in your home specifically for this purpose. It will help you better visualize your intentions; much like a 3D vision board. You may choose to decorate your altar with stones, crystals or even statues. A good statue for an altar for abundance, prosperity & wealth would be Lakshmi, the Hindu Goddess of exactly that. You can find a statue of her in many sizes, colors, etc. You can even frame a photo you love instead of using a statue. You can also use stones or herbs depending on your liking. This will help increase the energy vibrations of your manifestation. Citrine, Rose Quartz and Aventurine are all good choices for stones, especially for beginners. Other tools you can use are binaural beats for manifesting abundance. Song has great power in shifting energy. So, you can either listen to it while thinking of your intention, or perhaps listen to it while falling asleep at night.

A personal favorite of mine is the Rose of Jericho. I have to admit when I first came across it, I was unsure of how it would work. I made sure I followed the directions as explained in this video by the shop owner from whom I purchased it. I used holy water in the bowl and, to try it, I used pennies and asked that each penny represented $100. Once the plant had opened into a full bloom I placed 13 pennies in it and then let the plant close back up and then reopen. Within a week, I received the $1,300 I had asked for from the manifestation exercise. So be prepared when you use the Rose of Jericho because wealth will find its way to you.

When you are doing any kind of manifestation work, besides a solid intention, you may find that you want to work with an affirmation while the Universe is bringing you your desires. You may want to include something such as “I am worthy of the abundance coming my way”, or “My income is constantly increasing,” these will allow you to stay true in your belief that your intention was heard by the Universe and the Divine is assisting you to reach your goals.

And finally, be sure to express gratitude not only when you receive it, but while it is still manifesting. Go in with the attitude that it is already done! Express gratitude every day for it as you never know the unexpected ways the Universe will provide it for you. Be realistic with it while practicing then after a while you can work your way up to becoming a millionaire!

You may find that when you try to live a life of abundance on a regular basis, the more abundance and prosperity will find its way to you. Even if you can add in one activity that can help you live an abundant life instead of a scarcity mindset, you will notice how your life will start to change. Below you will find a list of characteristic of living in abundance by having an abundance consciousness or living a in a scarcity mindset.

Abundance Consciousness

  • Accept responsibility for their failures.
  • Continuously learn.
  • Embrace change.
  • Exude joy.
  • Forgive others.
  • Give other people credit for their victories.
  • Have a sense of gratitude.
  • Keep a “to-be” list.
  • Keep a journal.
  • Operate from a transformational perspective.
  • Read every day. Talk about ideas.
  • Set goals and develop life plans.
  • Share information and data.
  • Want others to succeed.

Scarcity Mindset

  • Blame others for their failures.
  • Don’t know what they want to be.
  • Exude anger.
  • Fear change.
  • Fly by their seat of their pants.
  • Have a sense of entitlement.
  • Hold a grudge.
  • Horde information and data.
  • Never set goals.
  • Operate from a transactional perspective.
  • Say they keep a journal but really don’t.
  • Secretly hope others fail.
  • Take all the credit for their victories.
  • Talk about people.
  • Think they know it all.
  • Watch TV every day.

In the end, have fun with your manifestation work and do not be afraid to try new things and see how they work for you. Add in your own spiritual tools that you may already know and love. Make the manifestation work your own and that will make it even more powerful!

Stay Inspired,


© 2016 Elysian Life Design. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without written permission from this site’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Elysian Life Design with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.


Your going through an Awakening: Now what?

8ebef193-024a-47c2-bfcf-ac2bd429ea8e“Divine desperateness is the beginning of spiritual awakening because it gives rise to the aspiration for God-realization” – Meher Baba

Over the past few years you may have heard the term “spiritual awakening” a lot as it seems to be a trendy topic and everyone seems to be having one. But, for those of us who have been through one and lived to tell the tale know it isn’t always rainbows and unicorns. So why do we actually have to have a Spiritual Awakening anyway? Here are some of the top reasons and ultimate desired outcomes from the process:

  • To discover your true inner self , the spiritual you, and to connect to this self through a increase in consciousness during the awareness process
  • To raise your consciousness to higher levels on a spiritual level
  • Learn to love and accept yourself and others fully
  • Discover any spiritual gifts or reawaken the ones that you closed off
  • Discover your purpose and life calling
  • Develop empathy and sensitivity for people, animals and nature
  • Learn to experience life in the moment and to the fullest

Through this process, it is very common to question everything in your life. Things that used to make you happy suddenly aren’t as appealing as they once were. This includes friends, work, habits etc. Many times people who begin to go through a spiritual awakening find that they stop drinking and smoking because they understand that, on a soul level, those behaviors no longer serve who they are anymore. Relationships may shift during this process. Also, you may no longer connect with people with whom you did in the past. At the same time, you may develop deeper connections with people whom you feel know the “real” you as you discover who that is. The number one thing I see with people starting their spiritual awakening is not being happy with their career anymore and wanting to make a drastic change, not for money, but to make their soul happy.

Finding out who you are is really the beginning of anything from relationships, career, family, health and the elements around you. By knowing yourself you can have a better understanding about your role in the world and how there is really no separation between you, the Divine and nature.

There are a few things to be aware of that I feel no one really talks about when you read about having a Spiritual Awakening. Many times to in order to really have change in your life, you may feel like your life completely falls apart, or it is just one thing after another that happens. You should know that the Universe is not trying to frustrate you or feel like you have been abandoned. Sometimes drastic measures have to happen for you to pay attention and really look at things and want to make room for how these changes will impact you for the better long term because more often than not we don’t seek change. It finds us and we must decide if we are going to step into it or be dragged into it. Another part of your life you may see impacted is, your health. Although I can talk with Spirit, I don’t always listen to their advice for me and there insight can tend to become background noise. I know it’s there but don’t always tune in. Well, when that happens and I am really supposed to hear the messages Spirit tends to get my attention by having something physical happen to make me stop in my tracks. Nothing will make you stop and slow down like an injury, illness or a health scare in general. I usually try to make a deal like “oh, I will do this if you can make this better” I warn you that only works a few times if you don’t keep your word. You may not always see how that issue relates to your awakening, but in the end the issues are always connected, whether it’s to love yourself, have more empathy for others, or to bring your purpose to light. The Divine will never do something “just because”. Everything happens for a reason. One day you will realize why it was necessary. Another thing to be aware of is that, while you are going through your spiritual awakening, you are going to want to make the world a better place. You will want to share your new knowledge with everyone especially friends or family that you feel may not be living in the best version of themselves just because you have seen the light. No one is going to want to hear that you feel they are doing something wrong anymore that you would like to hear it from them. Often, if you are really close to the person you can easily become consumed by wanting to help them. You want to make it easier for them than it was for you. But, here is the truth, are you ready… It’s not your problem and it’s not your place. Just like when someone has an addiction no one can change that about them unless they want to change it. Step back and say “Not my monkeys, not my circus”. It’s best to just be there for that person if they want to talk about it with you. You never know if talking with you is part of their own journey that will stimulate the change leading up to their spiritual awakening.

You may feel you have been going through the process of a spiritual awakening forever and maybe you have. It can take years and years to go through the process. Or, you don’t have many issues and it only takes you months. What I do know is that you usually do not go through this process by choice. You don’t wake up one day and say “I’m going to start my spiritual awakening today” because it is honestly one of the hardest things you will ever experience. The other thing is that it is very hard to stop the process once you have started it. Delaying the process will potentially only make it worse once it comes back around because it will and usually when it is inconvenient for you.
Now there are also some really amazing things that happen in this process that will empower  and ultimately change your life for the better.  This will probably include really loving and accepting who you are for the first time. Not caring who knows whom i. Not caring who knows whom is one of the best gifts you can truly have in this life. So, when you feel defeated along the way, or wish you could stop the process, I urge you to power through it and make it to the other side and see what the Universe has in store for you.

Stay Inspired


© 2016 Elysian Life Design. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without written permission from this site’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Elysian Life Design with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

Living a Life of Gratitude


What is the first thing you do as soon as you open your eyes each day? Do you start your day with something positive, or something negative? Each day we have the opportunity to start our day off in a positive way by expressing gratitude. Gratitude is really about expressing thankfulness for what we already have in our life. Living a life of Gratitude is something that you can teach yourself to include and, before you know it, you won’t even have to think about doing it anymore. You will just do it!

 Benefits of Gratitude include:

  • Improves sleep
  • Reduces anger and enhances Empathy
  • Creates higher self esteem
  • Improves both physical and emotional health overall
  • Creates better relationships
  • Opens you up to receiving positive energy exchanges
  • Creates a stronger connection with your faith
  • Allows you to change your perspective of the world around you


Living a life of Gratitude 21 Day Challenge:

A habit is formed in 21 days. So, why not form a positive habit to live a life of gratitude? You can do this in a group or individually. Participating in the challenge doesn’t require a special tools. The only requirement is a desire to make a positive difference in your life. Commit to the challenge, by just telling yourself you will do the best you can. Ideally, you would do something every day for the 21 days. But, if you miss a day here or there that is okay. As long as you are trying you are already succeeding in taking steps to live a life of gratitude.  Before starting the challenge, I want you to write a note to yourself that you will open on the 21st day of the challenge. You can write about what you hope to learn or become enlightened about on this 3 week journey. You can write what you would like to do as an expression of gratitude on the last day of the challenge, or a reminder of why you did the challenge, or the promise to continue to live a life of gratitude after the challenge. It can even be a thank you note to yourself for completing the challenge. The letter can include anything you want, it can be a sentence or a paragraph. Once you write it, seal it and place it somewhere safe and don’t open it until the last day of the challenge. Here are 21 ideas for how you can partake in this life changing challenge! You can do all of them, one of them or pick and choose the ones that work for the areas of your life. Remember the more you give of yourself to this journey the more you are going to get out of it at the end. What you do with it is up to you.

  • Keep a Gratitude Journal: For 21 days, keep track of all the things you are grateful for in your life. Then, at the end of the 21 days, review what you have written over the 3 weeks and watch how in that time you have received additional blessings in those areas.
  • Say thank you to a soldier
  • Express gratitude when a stranger does something nice for you like hold open a door, or allows you to go in front of them, then pass along that gratitude and do the same for a stranger.
  • Hold a 5 minutes or less gratitude session with yourself. By simply taking a few minutes a day to express your gratitude to yourself, God, Source, Universe, etc. you are keeping that positive exchange of energy increasing the overall wellbeing of your mind, body, spirt.
  • Create a Gratitude affirmation for something you are struggling with, and for 21 days recite the affirmation daily, and whenever you may be thinking about the problem.
  • Post only positive articles, photos, messages etc. on your social media for 21 days.
  • Say a Gratitude prayer daily. There are both really good religious and non-religious prayers available on the internet. The key is to pick the one that resonates with you the most. You can even just pray and praise God, Universe or Source for what is in your life.
  • Express thanks to the people in your life who make a positive impact.
  • Express Gratitude for something that didn’t go your way, only for you to realize that you had something better in store for you.
  • Pick a different topic for each day and express to yourself and others something you are grateful for regarding that topic. For example, health, wisdom, friendship, family, your spiritual path, etc.
  • Struggling Financially? Why not use the 21 days to create a more grateful attitude towards our finances. Instead of saying, how am I going to pay this, say “Universe/ God, thank you for providing this…”
  • Heard of Vision Board? Why not make a Gratitude Board! Take a poster board and place images of everything you are grateful for and look at it every day for 21days to remind you of all the wonderful things you have in your life.
  • Does music inspire you to have a grateful attitude? Make a playlist with your favorite tunes to listen to throughout the day to keep your mind and soul thankful.
  • Looking to create a better relationship with food? Expressing gratitude for the nutritious food you have access to before each meal will help you reinforce making healthy food choices to fuel your body and not feed your emotions.
  • If you are in a relationship, do the challenge together with your partner and, each day, share something about why you are grateful for the other person. Find unique ways to share the experience with your partner, through thank you cards, sticky notes, a note on a napkin they will see later in the day. Be creative and have fun with this one and watch how at the end of the challenge your relationship is that much stronger and you are able to express gratitude more easily with each other in a language you can both understand. You can also do this particular exercise with your children as well and engage them in process of expressing gratefulness.
  • Passing the gratefulness at dinner: If you would like to do a family event, have everyone before dinner go around the table, and express what they are grateful for that day.
  • Create a routine of when you first walk up in the morning, before your feet hit the ground, say thank you for the day you are about to have. Then, at the end of the night, while you are getting back in bed, express your thanks again for your day. Here is what I like to say in the morning, “ Thank you God for today, thank you for anointing me with health and allowing me to live today  the way you intend for my purpose.” Then at night, I simple restate “ Thank you God for today” then I continue with any evening prayers or things that happened during the day that I am grateful for.
  • Each day our body works hard for us. Yet, how often do we take time to thank it for all it does and not just except it to do what we need it to do. We often don’t realize we take it for granted until we get sick or it stops working at its optimum state. Spend time over the 21 days to thank your body for all it does for you and make a commitment to learn to listen to it better to create a stronger relationship with it so you can continue to be grateful for it far beyond the challenge.
  • Read a book about gratitude and look for ways that you can incorporate the methods you learn into truly living a life of gratitude. There are many books available online about gratitude. Go with your intuition with which one is the one you need.
  • Practice gratitude breathing during yoga, pilates, meditation or any other spiritual or physical exercise you may do. Here is a great article about gratitude breathing:
  • Make a gratitude jar. Have someone really special in your life? Why not write down 21 reasons why you love about them, why you are grateful for them, how amazing they are, and any words of encouragement and place it in a jar and give it to them. This will allow them to pull a small note of gratitude anytime they may need an emotional pick me up. These make great birthday, holiday and “just because” gifts!

There are many other ways that you can incorporate gratitude into your life. Get your friends and family involved in your challenge and watch the abundance overflow in your life, really placing perspective on what matters most in your life. As we enter into the month of November, we all tend to become more aware of what we are thankful for as the holidays approach. That is why we will be running our challenge November 5th 2015 through November 25th, 2015.  You can start your 21 day challenge at any time. But, if you would like to participate along with us and our online community and receive encouraging inspiration along the way you can join our event at . With our event ending the day before Thanksgiving, the most popular day in the United States to give thanks, why not truly know what it is like to experience gratitude and see how your life can change in the most amazing ways and make it a day of Gratitude all around the world. “Acknowledging the good that you already have in your life is the foundation for all abundance.” Eckhart Tolle

Stay Inspired,


© 2015 Elysian Life Design. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without  written permission from this site’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Elysian Life Design with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.