Clearing your Space: Insight & Tips


Energetically, everything that every happens in our space leaves a residue of energy that can become imprinted in the space. Illness, doubt, arguments, negative emotions, trauma, grief and even everyday energetic junk that you pick up throughout the day can build up around the rooms of your space.  Smudging your space will help remove or shift that build-up in your space, creating a higher frequency of light and positive energy to flow throughout. Many people can find doing this overwhelming and don’t know where to start. You will want to clear your space at least once a year. But, I also recommended if you are going through a major life change such as beginning or ending a career, relationship, recovering from a long illness or injury, selling or moving into a new space or simply feeling stuck in general. It is important to know the limits of your ability when clearing space. Some spaces need someone who has had training in space clearing, particularly when dealing with harder energy such as illness, breakups or a death in the space. By smudging your space on a regular basis will also help prevent the harder energies from getting stuck or stagnate. Here are some basic tips if you practice smudging at home or want to start.

What will I need to get started?  

  • Abalone Shell
  • Feather
  • Herb with which you want to smudge with (see list below for various types and meaning)

You will want to get an Abalone shell to catch any ash that may happen as you smudge so it doesn’t end up making a mess on your floors. Some of the items also may be hot and this will prevent you from directly holding the hot object.

The feather can be any kind of feather. The feather will help you spread the smoke throughout your space so you get it in ever place it is needed.

You can usually find a starter kit on places like Amazon or Ebay for a reasonable price if you are just getting started.

What is the best herb to use?

Most people think that white sage is the only thing you can smudge with hence the name saging a space. However, there are actually quite a variety of things you can use. Here is a small list of alternatives to white sage and what it is best used for.

Black Sage: Is a powerful protective herb and will help purify and clean the energy while also raising your consciousness towards higher realms.

Blue Sage: Also known as the “Grandmother Sage” has purifying properties and provides spiritual strength and can remove darker energy. The wonderful scent of Blue Sage can also leave a very relaxing and refreshing scent in your space.

Cedar Sage: Used for cleansing, clearing and blessing space.

Dakota Sage: Commonly used by Plains Indians. You can use Dakota Sage to help with illnesses such as headaches, coughs, stomach issues and more. It is also good if you live in any area with a high mosquito population and will keep them out of your space.

Desert Sage: Used to purify the mind, body and soul before prayer, ceremonies and rituals.

Palo Santo: Spiritual remedy for purifying, cleansing and getting rid of evil spirits, misfortune and calamity.

Sweet Grass: Helps attract positive energy, good spirits and helping people’s attitudes.

White Sage: Purifying energy, protection, and dispersing negativity.

Yerba Santa: A holy & sacred herb known for healing properties. Best to use if clearing illness from a space.

You may also find a variety of herbs or flowers mixed in with white sage such as lavender, rosemary, roses, etc. Each of these contain elements such as love, relaxation and healing and will only enhance the benefits of the clearing.

Where do I start?

To begin you will want to start by creating sacred space. Here is a simple prayer you can use

Next, once you have all your materials and decide what herb is the best for your space, you will want to take a lighter or a match and light the herb so it gets a nice smoke going and place it in the Abalone shell.

Then you will want to pick a starting point. I personally like to start with the front door, but if you are feeling that you are being guided to start at a certain point in your space, follow that feeling. You are being guided there for a reason.  The most important thing is from your starting point, you will want to move clockwise through your space and open a window to allow the old energy to leave.

While going through each room in your space, state your intentions for clearing. What you would like to clear and any prayer or blessings you would like to welcome into you space. In a professional clearing, the act of clearing the space and bringing in blessings may be done at separate times.

Feel free to also call in any angels to whom you feel connected. Archangel Michael is a great angel to call in for space clearing.

Once you go around your whole space and end up back at your start point, you will want to extinguish what you used to clear the space. I like to have a small bowl of sea salt, or himalayan salt that I use to stop it from smoking.

Be sure to thank any angels you called in and then you will want to close sacred space. To do this simply thank all the directions for being a part of your space clearing session. I also like to thank Mother Earth and the energy of the particular town in which I am clearing space.

 What if I live or work in a space where I can’t have an open flame?

There are a few options you can use if for whatever reason you are not allowed to have an open flame or smoky items in your space. I love to work with smokeless sage products for those kinds of spaces or a quick fix to clear myself after dealing with yucky or hard energy. My two favorite products are the Sage and Peppermint Clearing and Blessing Spray and the Palo Santo Munay (Love) Blessing and Clearing Spray by Embody the Sacred. You can find out more information about those sprays or purchase them at

The other option you have available, is sound. Sound is a great option in any space and it helps break up stagnant energy and heal sick energy. You can use a singing bowl, tuning fork or bell. If you don’t have access to any of those items simply find a good YouTube video with those items and play them in your space. For double duty, you can play the music while you are smudging the space with your herbs.

Again, these are basic techniques and tools you can use for a do it yourself quick clearing of your space. If you have harder more challenging energy in your space, I would recommend contacting someone with experience in space clearing. If you have any questions about anything you read in this blog please email To view information about our long distance/ in person space or land clearing services visit Mention this blog and receive 25% off your first clearing.

Stay Inspired,


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