How can a Past Life influence our NOW

Past lives can hold a very intricate key into our present lives. Our past lives come up a lot more that we can realize or pay attention to in our everyday lives. Think about a fear you may have. I have many and 95% of them are because something in a past life triggers them in the present time. As an example, I have this strong fear of fire. Of it getting out of control, of it spreading, of not being able to stop it. As much as I love lighting candles, there is a part of me that has to take a few breaths before I do. The smarter me just uses the LED candles. Now, most people who perhaps have some form of spiritual gift like I do whether it be intuitive, or healing with energy, herbs, etc. Were most likely persecuted as a witch in a past life. Hence my fear of fire. Perhaps your fear is water or a fear of drowning. Most likely that has happened to you before. The thing I have come to learn is that even though we do not consciously remember things from a past life, our soul does. So, when we are pulled to repeat patterns or career choices, or even enter into relationships with people we have known before our soul remembers it. Suddenly, an alarm goes off, red lights flash and our soul yells WARNING, you have done this before it didn’t end well, don’t do it again! The soul is trying to protect us from having to go through those same things again. It is unlikely that we would be  brought to the center of town and burnt at the stake for practicing something like Reiki in 2017. However, our soul needs some kind of reassurance to let it know that it is now okay to do that. The soul thinks it is doing what is best for you to keep you safe. Many times it is our calling to keep finding our way back to lifetime after lifetime. That is how we know we are living our Soul purpose in a way where we have to push through the struggles it took to get there.

Past life issues related to finances, fears, illness, love, weight and more can all play a role in our present life. Have you ever felt totally madly in love with someone, but you had this fear of them being ripped away from you and not from a break up or anything like that, but a fear of them dying. This again could very well be a past life fear. You and this person were living a great life and then suddenly something happened in their life purpose that took them away from you. When we reconnect with that Soul in this lifetime, our Soul does that same protection method where it will do anything to keep us from the pain and suffering we once experienced. Even though this lifetime with that person may be the lifetime you get your happily ever after with them.

When your soul kicks into protection over drive, have a conversation with it. Tell it you understand why it is protecting you, and thank it for wanting to keep you safe. Explain to your Soul that times are different, and certain things are no longer punishable the way they once were. Perhaps that person has come back into your life for a reason. Maybe it is to fulfill a promise you both made before you came back to this life, so you would really like to explore it and see where it goes, or fulfill your Soul purpose this lifetime. It will understand, and work with you. 

Here is something I like to do when it comes to healing a past life connection. Unfortunately, you won’t be able to do this for all past life issues, depending on how deeply rooted they are, but it will still help and make a difference. Let’s say in a past life you fell off a building and that is why you have a fear of heights. You will want to be in a safe space where you can be uninterrupted for 10-20 minutes. Start by going into a meditative state. Take three deep breaths in through your nose and out through your mouth going deeper and deeper with each breath. Now, set the intention to go back to the lifetime affecting the fear that you are addressing. If it is a fear of heights, go back to that building you fell off of, but this time visualize a scenario where you don’t fall off the building, instead you turn around walk back down the stairs, out the front door and walk away. In a way, you heal that soul memory. One of the most important things to remember is, in some cases, it can be about forgiving yourself in order to move on. Give it a try for a past life trauma you are trying to work through and if you need a little help along the way for a certain situation, email me at and we can come up with something personalized for you.

“Who are we really? Combinations of common chemicals that perform mechanical actions for a few years before crumbling back into the original components? Fresh new souls, drawn at random for some celestial cupboard where God keeps an unending supply?

Or the same soul, immortal and eternal, refurbished and reused through endless lives, by that thrifty Housekeeper? In Her wisdom and benevolence She wipes off the memory slates, as part of the cleaning process, because if we could remember all the things we have experienced in earlier lives, we might object to risking it again.” –  Barbara Michaels

Stay Inspired,


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