An Empath’s Guide to Dating and Relationships: Part 2

A few years ago, I wrote “An Empath’s Guide to Dating and Relationships”. It has been by far our most popular blog. What I have learned from this is that love is really universal and so is energy. People from all over the world are experiencing the same things regarding love and relationship. This applies whether it is a parent, a sibling, co-workers or a romantic partner. As an empath, you are so sensitive to energy shifts from people, places, things and world events. Here are some answers to the most common questions over the years and some additional information.

One of the most common things I know I have experienced, as well as others, is this ping pong effect that can happen with someone you are really close with, especially a partner. Let’s say that your partner is going through an incredibly challenging time. As a result, they shut down emotionally and it is like a stone wall barrier. Although the situation has nothing to do with you personally, you feel the energy of the situation very strongly. It is very common that you may pick up the other person’s emotions of sadness, anxiety, frustration, loneliness, depression and more. Many times you may think that it is you feeling that way when, in fact, it is the other person. Then what can happen when you are both really close like a husband or wife, or in a romantic relationship, and both of you are sensitive to energy the energy can bounce back and forth from each of you, creating the ping pong effect. You may feel helpless in this type of situation, or feel like you are going crazy, or not know what to do at all. Honestly, the best thing you can do is to center your energy and ground yourself. By you doing this, you will also impact the other person’s energy and help them ground and center their own energy without even realizing it. It can help a couple out of that ping pong feeling and allow those feelings of anxiety, depression etc. to shift into peace, happiness and feelings of living in the present. You can review some information about centering and grounding in part one which you can read here:

Another common question, has been about someone being an empath in a relationship. Sometimes past issues come up for them causing fear and panic. This causes them to abruptly walk away from the relationship even though they care about the other person. This can be a really hard thing to deal with. I know I myself have dealt with these feeling in a relationship. We all have things called triggers, and it is very common for those triggers to carry on from one relationship to another, even unintentionally. Honestly, you may not even know you have a trigger about something until you start a new relationship. The most common one I have come across has been around communication. Let’s say that you were in a past relationship with someone who kept things from you and lied with the intention of misleading your or hurting you, such as cheating or manipulation. I spent most of my college years in just that scenario. Then, you meet a great person and you are like “yes, this is it”. You start a new relationship and a few months in you start to notice that they are quite or you feel maybe they are being secretive about stuff. Because of your past experience with this emotion, your ego will automatically make you think that the same thing is happening again.  Now there can be many reasons why someone is acting secretive that don’t involve cheating. Perhaps they are dealing with something personal with which they don’t want to burden you. Or, maybe the new relationship is bringing up a trigger for them as well and they are trying to work through it without you thinking they have lost their mind. They may even be having issues with self- worth or feelings of they don’t deserve you. These are very common feelings for an Empath to feel. The best way to avoid a breaking point where someone walks away is to talk about it and be honest about your feelings. This will be a challenge for some as having talks about your feelings can make you feel vulnerable and sometimes you don’t understand your feelings or know how to describe them. You will want to do a few things before asking the other person if “you can talk”. First you will want to make sure you are grounded and your energy is protected before having that kind of conversation. Next, make sure you both have a full stomach, because, let’s face it when someone is hungry, the energy of angry and annoyance can escalate emotions. Also, if you know you need to have one of these kinds of talks, ask the Universe to show you the right time to do so. Then keep yourself open so you see when they tell you the right time is. Also, you don’t want to have this type of conversation when either of you is tired, angry or frustrated about another situation. And, when you speak to the person, it is important not to play the blame game or say things below the belt or make someone feel ashamed of their feelings. That is the fastest way to get an Empath to walk away. Be completely honest with the other person and maybe even share things about yourself and allow yourself to feel vulnerable. This will help open the lines of communication. In my case, I make sure I am grounded and that my partner and I are fed and relaxed. When I feel the time is right, I work certain topics into the conversation. The two Archangels I highly suggest working with in this situation are Archangel Gabriel, who is the Archangel of communication, and Archangel Raguel, who can help with fairness and resolving disagreements.

Another popular question that comes up is what is my biggest recommendation for an Empath? I can’t stress enough the impact that daily affirmations can have on your life as an Empath.  It will help you stay in the moment, focus on yourself, and allow you to be in your own energy instead of feeling everyone else’s. Also another tip is to ask to be disconnected from the mass consciousness before you go to sleep. This will help your mind and body heal while you sleep and allow you to actually sleep better because your mind won’t be racing about things you saw on social media or TV.

Here are some other tools I really love for assistance for Empaths:

  • The Spiritual Power of Empathy by Cyndi Dale
  • The Reluctant Empath by Bety Comerford and Steve Wilson
  • The Art of Empathy by Karla McLaren

This is EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) for anxiety that can be very helpful as an Empath:

Products that have been helpful:

Stones and Crystals are also great for an Empath. You can place them under your pillow while you sleep, carry them in your pocket or purse throughout the day, or ladies can even wear them in their bra. Here is a great site where you can read all about Stones and crystals for Emapths and how they can help: I personally happen to love Lepidolite.

Being an Empath is nothing to be afraid or embarrassed of. We are living in a time unlike any other on earth. People are becoming more aware of spirituality. As a whole, we are raising our vibrations as a culture even if it doesn’t feel that way. We are also inundated, like never before, with information and news. If you are an Empath just be aware that you are impacted by these things, especially images you see on television. Our eyes cannot make the distinction between something on television and something that is happening right in front of us. So, when the message gets up to our brain, our mind and body then react accordingly. This may even activate or fight or flight responses which can wreak havoc on our health. Above all love yourself through the process. The more self-love you have the more love…relationships overall.  You will feel more confident in your interactions with people.  The world needs Empaths right now. I hope you found some good tools to help you along the journey. If you have additional questions, or want some help with a certain situation, feel free to email us here:

“Empaths did not come into this world to be victims, we came to be warriors. Be brave. Stay strong. We need all hands on deck.” ― Anthon St. Maarten

Stay Inspired,


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