Move into Action in the New Year…

girl plays superhero

With the New Year, the energy in the Universe urges us to take action in our lives. Not only action, but authentic action! You will find that the energy of 2018 is giving you the push you need to get your life together and get things that you have been dreaming of done. Taking action in our lives can create the results:

  • Action Creates Courage
  • Action Allows Emergence
  • Motivation Follows Action

Taking action in our lives is like creating change. It can be a very scary thing to do. We can get stuck in fear just thinking of moving forward. Part of the reason we sit in the non-action zone is that many of us we have a fear of failure. We will not do something simply because we can’t fail if we don’t try. That is why fear kills more dreams than failure ever will. When we take action on those dreams and goals, we find out what we are made of, what we are actually capable of achieving, and ultimately emerge. When we create an emergence, we step into who we are meant to be without hesitation or resistance to change. We can also find peace within ourselves and our lives. Once we find internal peace that is when the hard part kind of begins. It is the long term of the action. When we have action, we must have motivation that allows us to keep that action. What is your driving force for the action you are taking? Do you want to live your purpose? Do you want to help others? Do you just want enough money to pay for your needs? Whatever it is that is going to get you out of bed each day to walk in action instead of fear is what you need to nourish. Just like you have to water a garden for it to grow, you must be willing to water your dreams and commit to them for the long term. Part of the reason we can fail at action is that we think making one mistake ruins everything. So, we might as well just give up on it because it is easier than continuing. Let me tell you that, every day and even every second of every day, you have the power to keep going. To decide, yes I screwed that up, but I am going keep going because I believe in my dreams. You want them so badly that you can taste it. If you believe it you will achieve it. If you don’t you won’t. It is that simple.

Other ways you can focus on taking action in your life is:

Connect with the Present: Stay as present as you can each day. Learn to focus on only the things over which you have control. A book that really helped me in this area was “Change your thoughts, change your life” by Wayne Dyer. If you struggle with your thoughts getting the best of you at all, I highly recommend reading it. You can also watch his PBS special at

Think before committing: I will admit, I am a people pleaser. I used to have a big problem saying yes to everything. To make things worse, I would say yes without even thinking if it was something I really even wanted to do. Then, as soon as I agreed, I would start thinking about it. We have the right to say no to some things as well. If you don’t want to meet that friend at the bar at 9pm on a Monday night, you don’t have to. Justifications are not required. When I realized that I needed to change the pattern that I created, I implemented the following procedure. When anyone asked me if I wanted to do something, instead of saying yes right away, I would tell them that I would check my calendar and get back to them. Then, I would give myself one day, and then answer back. Now if it is something you know you really want to do, then of course say yes. But, if you find yourself in the pattern of saying yes to everything, and then canceling or backing out of commitments at the last minute, you may want to try this and see if it helps. We want to be authentic in our action. That is why taking a day to think about it actually help you stay authentic to yourself and to the people who are asking you.

Accountability:  We live in a time where accountability is a hard trait to come by. At some point, I fear finding someone who takes accountability for their actions will be like trying to find a Unicorn. Everyone is an individual. But, at some point, we all have to be accountable for our actions. We don’t want to achieve our dreams and actions by manipulation, or cheating, or hurting other people on the way. When you fuel action by those things you will never really attain you goal. The way to achieve the desired outcome from your action is through our own authenticity. How one person achieves it doesn’t mean that is how you will. You have to be brave to look at yourself and hold yourself accountable for who you are and the actions you take. Attaining your dreams is solely your responsibility.  Here is a great article on the topic further:

Now, along the way, you may not get it right and that is ok. But, I guarantee you that you will learn something each time you try, and then there will come a day that you do get it right. It won’t happen overnight, but there will come a day when you wake up and say “wow, I did it!”

“The path to success is to take massive, determined actions.” – Tony Robbins

Stay Inspired,


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