The Power of Affirmations

Beautiful Young Woman Doing Yoga Exercise (1)

One of the things that I find so beneficial for anyone to do, is daily affirmations. Affirmations should be sent not only to yourself but to your chakras as well. Chakras are seven energetic centers through which your energy flows. When our emotions are out of balance, these chakras can become blocked and can manifest pain, illness, or other discomforts. For our bodies to function optimally, our seven chakras must be in balance. This balance enables energy to flow through our bodies. One out of balance chakra (energy center) can cause the other Charkas to become problematic and not function correctly causing them to work too little or too much.

This is what can cause you to become blocked; over thinking, worry, having addictive behavior, becoming reclusive, or feelings of hopelessness and being highly emotional or repressing emotions.  Setting daily intentions for your chakras helps you maintain balanced emotions in your chakra field providing positive reinforcement and allowing you to set the tone for your day. You will want to think about what is going on in your life and how you can use that support in your energy field. You can also set intentions for other parts of your energy field or physical body such as organs or your immune system. Below is a chart on where you can locate your chakra and what each one represents:

When talking about chakras, you will often find them referred to as numbers one through seven. Here is how the numbers are associated with each individual chakra:

chakra 3

1st: Root Chakra

2nd: Sacral Chakra

3rd: Solar Plexus

4th: Heart Chakra

5th: Throat Chakra

6th: Third Eye

7th: Crown Chakra

When setting your intentions, you can either work from seven down or one up whichever you feel drawn to do.  When you are ready, focus your attention into the chakra with which you are working and, when you are ready, state your intention.

Although there are many ways that you can work with the chakras, here are some examples I like to use. I use the term I AM, because it is considered one of the most powerful words.

Root Chakra: “In my Root Chakra, I AM grounded to the center of the Universe. I

AM safe and secure.”

Sacral Chakra: “In my Sacral Chakra, I AM filled with passion and creativity.”

Solar Plexus: “In my Solar Plexus Chakra, I AM filled with personal power, self-love and

I AM claiming my worthiness.”

Heart Chakra: “In my Heart Chakra, I AM the embodiment of Love and my heart is open to giving and receiving that love.”

Throat Chakra: “In my Throat Chakra, I AM expressing my authentic self.”

Third Eye: “In my Third Eye, I AM seeing beyond what my eyes can see with clarity.”

Crown Chakra: “In my Crown Chakra, I AM filled with Universal enlightenment and connected with my Divine Support.”

To close, you may want to align yourself completely with the source. If you feel compelled to, you can say: “I AM filled with pure divine love and light for I am one with God and He is one with me.”

Those of you who have frequent digestive issues, immune challenges, glandular issues, etc. may find it helpful to set some personal intentions to help strengthen those areas as well. Take the time to make the right intentions for yourself and what you need at this point in your life. Everyone will be at different points on their paths, but we all continue to grow and develop, and our intentions will as well.  So, you may find that you use the same ones daily or are making adjustments when you feel guided to do so. Part of learning to trust your intuition is listening to it. When your intuition tells you to make adjustments, listen to it so you can continue to support the energy flowing in your chakras. Although this is a good way to bring positive reinforcement to your chakras and the many layers of your energy field, it is recommended for use in conjunction with energy healing of some kind to help you shift and release energy that is no longer serving you such as stuck and stagnate energy. Having that energy work will only strengthen your daily intentions for your charka energy.

You may be going through some kind of Spiritual Awakening. Congratulations, you are in for a very unique journey.  Sometimes you can be living what some people may call a double life. One part of you may be working for that nice secure paycheck. Perhaps you are not challenged and not living your purpose. If you are going through your awakening process, you may have found what you are passionate about and absolutely love it. But, it doesn’t exactly vibe into your “normal” job. So, every day you are consistently lower our own vibration to do things you do not want to do in order to be “normal”. When this process started for me, and I began to awaken, my body did everything it could to keep me from journeying down the spiritual path. It is not because my soul doesn’t want me to be happy. However, most spiritual people have been, at some point in life, been persecuted for being different. Your soul remembers this, and doesn’t want to see you relive the persecution. So, it tries to keep you safe. During my own process, a few of the healers I went to told me that only through healing myself, could I then heal others. At first I was like “what does that even mean”. Why had I chosen to sign up for this! Being that my purpose was to help people in various spiritual forms I couldn’t just let it go and not pay attention to it. So, I started working with a certain daily affirmation that I would say before getting out of bed in the morning. I found that it helped me start the day off on the right foot and affirmed to my soul that it was ok to be a healer in this lifetime. So, if you find that you are going through something similar, you may benefit from this as well. Here is my affirmation for embracing your inner healer:

“I embrace the healer within me, past, present and future, so that my soul may know a lifetime where I won’t be judged or persecuted for my abilities.”

After saying this for about three weeks, I found that my body started listening to me and we got on the same page about things. You can say affirmations for just about anything in your life! Affirmations can be for relationships, joy, health, or simple saying, “I AM going to have an amazing day!” I like to say these before getting out of bed because I feel like it sets the intention for a great day. Maybe you want to be more present, or rediscover your faith. It doesn’t have to be fancy. Just say what is in your heart and you will never go wrong. The more direct and open you are the more you will see how taking even a minute to set affirmations to your day to your chakras, and/or to your relationships can and will change your life.

If this topic is of interest to you and you would like to know more about the power of the statement “I AM”, I strongly suggest that you read the “Moses Code” by James F. Twyman

Stay Inspired,


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