Working Through Patterns & Ego


Many of us have been experiencing a visitation of old patterns that are no longer serving us. Think of our energy field as a piece of technology. Every once and awhile they need a reboot or an upgrade of some kind. That is what is happening right now in many ways for humanity. Working through old patterning and the Ego can feel very challenging. The first step in this process, as it is in many circumstances, is recognizing that you have a problem! Then, once you realize that you do, it seems like the Ego knows it is in trouble and starts working overtime to keep you in the form of fight or flight to keep you fear based. Let’s be honest; it is not easy to try and shift from fear based to loved based. It will take time, and it will take hard work to get yourself in a space where the Ego does not guide or control you.

Often, once you start making those shifts and the changes necessary to move into the heart based, the Ego will start working overtime for its survival. It can start telling you stories in your mind to move you away from the path ahead. The Ego can want you to stay in the past and play the victim card or the what if game over and over in your mind. The storytelling is one thing that can be a challenging pattern to stop because most people don’t even know that they are doing it. Here are some symptoms of your Ego telling you stories:

  • Do you often think people are upset with you even though you have not talked to them recently and the last conversation you had with them was pleasant?
  • Do you play out situations in your mind of things that haven’t even happened in your life and have arguments with another person or finding yourself justifying your thoughts or actions to that person in your mind?
  • Do you blame other people for certain things in your life in which they had no involvement?
  • Do you constantly feel stuck in the past? Or, are beating yourself up for things that you did when you didn’t even know better in life? Have you been able to move past that and forgive yourself for the things you didn’t know when you didn’t know them?
  • Do you make up non-existent circumstances or situations that are negative in your life, but, believe them as truth?

While there are more ways that the Ego can tell you stories and keep you from moving forward in areas of your life, if you have done any of those things, then congratulations, you are not alone. As Humans, we have many patterns that we work on or in which we are stuck. This includes ancestral patterning, limiting beliefs and old programming to name a few. At this moment in time, I believe that the first step of stopping and healing these patterns is to stop the Ego from telling stories. So how do you do that?

The first step is acknowledging that you tell yourself stories. Then, you have to, in many ways, re-train your brain and your energy. So, when you feel yourself going down the rabbit hole of unwanted stories you can shift and stay in reality. I will tell you that this will take some time. Telling ourselves stories is fear based and not reality. When we are experiencing that moment of fear, it feels very real! Most likely, once you break yourself of your Ego telling you a certain set of stories, the Ego will most likely grab a new book of stories. I know it can be incredibly frustrating to work through this particular pattern. The best thing that you can start doing is, when you find yourself beginning to have story time, to tell your mind and your Ego that you aren’t telling stories today. Sometimes you will have to say “Sorry Ego, story time is closed today!” It may push back, but remember that you too can push back. In the past when my Ego has been in its storytelling abilities, I have had to tell my Ego to go and talk to God about it, because I had already discussed it with Him and I didn’t have time to talk to my Ego about it. You are going to have to do this more than once. But, you will eventually retrain this particular Ego pattern. Here is another helpful tool. Upon waking in the morning, set a mantra or affirmation for your day, and ask whatever higher energy you believe in God, Source, Universe, etc. to fill you with strength and allow you to be the best version of yourself that you can be for that day. Forgive yourself and have patience with yourself through this process. You can do it!! You are not the story your Ego tells you.

If you are looking for products or additional support that can help you work through specific patterns, limiting beliefs, old programming or story time, visit our ETSY store for items that can support you on your journey:

Stay Inspired,


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