March 2023: Re-Connecting To Joy & Passion…

Welcome, March!

This month, you may feel and experience the energies of adventure, creativity, energy, expansive growth, inspiration, joy, passion, and surprises. March is often associated with the Empress, a beautiful pregnant woman who is now harvesting her manifestations while still seeking freedom to be in the rhythm that is the true self. To find just the right level for you, keep a watchful eye for any ups and downs you may experience as your energy fluctuates.  

Jupiter is your closest confidant this month as it is currently in the same sign of some important astrological happenings that you will read about later in this email, so you don’t have to force anything, simply release and surrender to the growth taking place in your life. Remember that while not all growth is filled with rainbows or forms of suffering, it is imperative to remain present in your body through the growth. If at any point this month you feel out of your body, stomp your feet, massage your legs, or go for a walk in nature and re-ground to the inner temple that is your beautiful vessel. No matter your physical age that gets assigned to us at birth, spend some time re-connecting with the playful youthfulness inside that is awaiting to be seen once more. 

This month’s playlist will assist you in finding your own unique inner balance while re-awakening and redefining what brings you joy and providing the overtones needed to reconnect you to what makes you passionate. Listening to this playlist will help you energetically process the frequencies of the month in a fun way, as I have added some energy healing and support directly into the music. 

To listen to the March Playlist click the link below: 

With the second month of no retrogrades, we can all feel this undertone of wanting to get stuff done. By doing a check-in with ourselves and seeing what we truly need, we will no longer be denying our true feelings and can upgrade areas of our life. This is the time to not hold back and to trust above all, even if the trust brings uncertainty. This is the most opportune time to not only be the light, but stand in the light, and shine the light brightly. Surprises are plenty this month, and just like change, surprises are not always welcome, but they are necessary along the human journey. Spirit’s words of wisdom this month is to embrace every surprise that comes your way. Whether it is good or bad, express gratitude for the opportunities it is bringing you. On March 23rd, Pluto will at last move into Aquarius. After spending the last 17 years in Capricorn, the planet of transformation now prepares for the next 20 years ahead in a new sign. Pluto will move back into Capricorn twice during Pluto’s Retrogrades until it fully moves into Aquarius late next year. The transit will certainly shape a generation!

Here are some other essential things to be on the lookout for this month: 

March 7th – Full Moon in Virgo
This full moon will send some long-awaited playful vibes your way, promoting creativity and unconditional love, and also providing the right alignment to make long-term commitments in your life. The Moon will be located on the opposite side of the Earth as the Sun and its face will be fully illuminated. This full moon was known by early Native American tribes as the Worm Moon, because this was the time of year when the ground would begin to soften and the earthworms would reappear. This moon has also been known as the Crow Moon, the Crust Moon, the Sap Moon, and the Lenten Moon. Stay mindful over the next week as sudden happy developments may begin to unfold. 

March 20th – Spring Equinox
The Universe’s way of restoring perfect balance is through an astrological event such as an equinox. The Sun will be directly above the equator and there will be nearly equal amounts of day and night throughout the world. This is also the first day of spring (vernal equinox) in the Northern Hemisphere and the first day of fall (autumnal equinox) in the Southern Hemisphere. With the clocks changing earlier this month, it is the perfect time to re-find your own equilibrium. For more information about the Spring Equinox visit:

March 21st – New Moon in Aries
The Moon will be located on the same side of the Earth as the Sun and will not be visible in the night sky. This is the best time of the month to observe faint objects such as galaxies and star clusters because there is no moonlight to interfere. This new moon means we will receive support from Mars, Pluto, Saturn, Sun, and Venus, creating a marvelous alignment and fostering energies around our work, and creating something brand new around our careers. You can find yourself in a much better financial position with some focus and effort. 

There is a principle in energy work that I like to call “Calling Back Your Own Energy.” The soul can be everywhere at times, in other people, conversations, and even interactions you have on the phone, or with radio and TV. This month, Spirit would like you to try at the end of each day to call back your energy and ask that it be cleared and purified upon its return to you. Try it for a few nights and see how you feel, then perhaps incorporate it into your daily practice or simply find a way to make it your own. 

“Somehow, we’ll find it. The balance between whom we wish to be and whom we need to be. But for now, we simply have to be satisfied with who we are.” – Brandon Sanderson

Stay Inspired, 

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