Doing a Spiritual Detox: How to…

download (1)A Spiritual journey is filled with many ups and downs just like any important thing we do in life. There are many times that we hit a plateau and we then feel overwhelmed, stuck, defeated, sick, frustrated and so much more. If you have reached those feelings, it is time to do a detox. Not just any detox a full-blown mind, body & soul Spiritual Detox!

For the last year, I have been called to go through this process and it is not always easy. But, I am going to share with you some of the steps to take for each area of this detox. Try your best to do a Spiritual Detox for 21 days. If you are going through some harder areas at the moment, try to extend your detox program to 40 days for best long-term benefits. Before we get into the actual Spiritual Detox plan, I want you to take a few moments and answer these questions:

  1. What is your intention for this Spiritual Detox?
  2. Are you open to Change?
  3. Are you willing to be truthful with yourself along the way? (This is a very important question. If you are good at pretending to yourself, a Spiritual Detox is not something you should try right now, unless you are willing to take a hard look at some things.)

So, now that you have thought about those questions, let’s take a look at the Elysian Life Design Spiritual Detox Plan!


The mind is a funny and complex entity. Yet, it is where our EGO can live. It is the headquarters for overthinking, doubt, self- destructive behaviors, anxiety and more.

  • Wake up every day with Gratitude: As soon as you open your eyes each day and before going to sleep at night, say these two words and it will change your life in amazing ways. “Thank You”! Saying those words it creates gratitude in your heart and raises your vibrations to the level of gratitude so that you are continuously sending gratitude into the Universe and it can send it back to you.
  • Let it Go…No Seriously Let it Go: That is right, you can literally sing the song from Frozen if you have to. We all have and it is ok if you need to every day. In order to release and make room for new dreams and desires you have to release the past, blame, disappointment, hurt, etc. Doing so will allow you to move into a place where you can be free from those emotions and judgments. You have to get to a place where the only person you have to please or justify yourself to is yourself. If the past is holding your present and your future hostage, you have to cut it off and release it.
  • Surround yourself with Positivity: When you put positive thoughts out in the Universe, positivity will find it’s way back to you. One of the most intense callings I got on my Spiritual detox journey was to turn down the volume of the World. I use to be to the kind of person that loved the hustle and bustle of large cities. But, then I reached a point where all I craved was quiet and a great distance from negativity. We have to turn the TV off, put the phones, tablets, computers away and listen to Nature. Put Facebook and Instagram away for a few hours and seek the real positivity in your life. Some think we are who we surround ourselves with. Surround yourself with people who inspire you, uplift you, and encourage you to go for your dreams. Eliminate the haters and fakes in your life that are holding you back whether you know it or not. One of the things I try to do all year long, even if I am not on a Spiritual Detox, I listen to positive uplifting music on K-LOVE radio It will remind you of the good in the world and that there are good left and people trying to make it better. Do a good deed every day just because. Be a good person, have patience, and appreciate others. Those small actions will make a huge difference in your life.


I learned something a long time ago that most of us know but forget. So, I am going to remind you again. Our Bodies are our temple. How you treat your body is up to you. But, this area is just as important as the other areas of this detox. This detox is not meant to help you lose weight, but to help you build a better relationship with your body.

  • Practice mindful eating: Being mindful is something I am always working on improving. I constantly multitask in my head. And when I eat, I am always multitasking. I have had and still have moments where I am guilty of not being mindful when I eat. I am rushed so I eat quickly while I have a few minutes. I overextend how long my body can go without eating. Then, when I do eat, I want to make up for the meals I missed in one sitting. And, how many of us actually chew our food properly? I know I wasn’t! So, what I started doing was to slow my mind and be in the moment with each bite. I would engage my senses. How did the food taste? How did it smell? And maybe most of all, I would chew each bite at least 25-45 times. I would actually count each time in my head. Yes, it can get annoying. But, a few things happened when I did this. I became more aware of myself. Sometimes I would close my eyes while I was chewing so that I could just focus on the process. I also would get full faster cause I was able to hear my body because I was paying attention while nourishing it.
  • Practice Healthy Eating: Eating healthy, nourishing meals with fresh fruits and vegetables has an incredible way of raising your vibration. You’ll also want to be sure you’re well hydrated by drinking plenty of water, herbal tea, and other non-caffeinated, non-chemical laden, or non-sugar-filled drinks! The more Alkaline the water and foods the better. Try your best to limit your sugar intake as much as possible.
  • Take a Detox Herbal Bath: When I was doing my Spiritual Detox journey, I felt like I needed an additional component for my body.


  • Energetically and physically clear your space: Energetically, everything that ever happens in our space leaves a residue of energy that can become imprinted in the space. Illness, doubt, arguments, negative emotions, trauma, grief and even every day energetic junk that you pick up can build up around the rooms of your space.  Smudging your space will help remove or shift that build-up in your space and create a higher frequency of light and positive energy to flow throughout. Many people can find doing this overwhelming and don’t know where to start. To learn more about this, click here: It is also important to physically clear your space. Prosperity, high vibration and abundance have a difficult time in lower vibration spaces. So, remove the clutter, organize, and make room for new. A rule that I have personally followed is that, if you have not used it in 6 months, get rid of it. Let’s be honest, we do not always have this “urge to purge”, or clean up. But, when your body tells you it is time, listen to it and just go with it. That is the absolute best time to go through your closet, cabinets, and When you get that urge to organize and clean things out, your emotions will less likely interfere with your decisions of whether or not to keep sweatpants you love but can no longer wear because they are so worn out, or the CD you bought in 1998 that you now have in your digital music collection. If you are the type of person who doesn’t get that urge that is ok too; try to do a good de-clutter at the change of each season. To start to make three piles: Keep, Donate, Throw Away and Recycle (as some items will be beyond help). Creating these piles will help you start the organizational process. When there is a donation pile you know the items are going to be useful to someone else and you will be more inclined to give it to a person who needs it more than you. Knowing you are going to be helping someone by donating items to a worthy charity will calm any separation anxiety you may feel about the item. We all have that t-shirt, souvenir, book, magazine or knickknack that we hold on to just a little too long, so this spring clean it out. These techniques work for your home or office spaces. Re-gain your energy, space and emotional well-being. You will be amazed at how accomplished, happy, lighter and at ease you will feel once you declutter your home, office, and life. Sometimes when you start cleaning and get that energy flowing in your space, you can allow forward movement for your goals.
  • Connect with your Divine Support Team: This is something that all of us have access to and it is so easy to do, but we can often forget. Your Divine Support Team consist of, but not limited to, your Higher Self, Guides, Guardian Angels, Past loved ones, Spirit or Power Animals and Deities, or Archangels with whom you have a close connection. Through this connection, you are able to translate information that is most important for you to receive at that particular time in your life. Through visual information, we can tell you how to create a deeper connection with members of your Divine Support Team. This will allow you to strengthen your own spirituality, intuition, signs, and symbols they may send you to let you know they are very much present in your life and that you are on the right path. All you have to do is welcome them into your day and give them permission to help and they will be there. Read more about asking for signs from your Divine Support Team here:

Spiritual Extras

  • Cut your Energy cords: When we connect with another person, especially with Family, Friends and in Romantic partnerships, we can activate an energetic cord with them. As we continue through the relationships with these people, interactions, thoughts, emotions, and feelings are added to the cord. This cord has the ability to share energy and transmit a high frequency of communication which may explain why we often feel and connect telepathically to our partner’s thoughts and emotions. When the cord is healthy, it can create a vibrant, energetic source exchange. But, when the cord is unhealthy, it can often lead to feeling controlled or drained of Most of us will intuitively know how strong our cord is with someone. But, if you are unsure, a good measure is how strong or how often you think or feel towards someone. This is especially true if the thoughts are obsessive, manipulative or fearful. There are many different ways that you can cut your Energy cords. Perhaps you already have a way that works for you. If you don’t and would like some ways others have found helpful, please email us at and we will email you back some helpful resources.
  • Cleanse Your Energy With Light: There are many ways that you can do this. You can get energy healing work done. Or, if you are in need of some immediate relief and don’t have access to a healer you know and trust, a simple way is to imagine yourself under a waterfall of white sparkling light. Let this light wash over you and remove anything that is no longer serving you, or anything less than love in your life. Take three deep breathes and with each exhale try to get deeper into your own energy. You can also try clearing your energy with our Holy Water that carries the vibration of White Light:
  • Take YOU Time: This can act as something that can really fall into all three areas of your detox. Maybe you want to get out in Nature and take some deep breaths out in the Sunshine, get an Energy Healing Session, go to a Yoga class, or get your blood pumping at spin. Maybe, you just want to take a nap with your YOU time. Any of those things can feed your soul. It creates a bond of trust with your mind, body, and soul and is really what can keep you going on your overall Spiritual Journey.

Most of all, learn to trust yourself during this Spiritual Detox. Trust in your Divine Support Team and in your journey. Do your best and the rest will fall into place. It may not be in your timing, but Divine time will work itself out in your favor. At the end of your detox, you will have clearer, deeper insight and have a solid foundation of your path. You may find that you need to incorporate some of these things into your daily or weekly routine. Think of it as Spiritual Maintenance like getting an oil change for your car. These tools will help keep you on the right life path. This is a small sample of our Spiritual Detox Program that contains an in depth look on these items and more. Stay tuned for more information on our Spiritual Detox Program publication.

“Trust your heart and embrace the journey. You may make a wrong turn but your heart will get you back on the right path. Just keep making choices and don’t second-guess yourself.” – E’yen A. Gardner

Stay Inspired,


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