Divine Meditation Tips & Techniques for Beginners

9b1e1758a451c45d0a82a8fd4dffbd5bMethods of mediation have existed since before 500 B.C. Meditation transcends gender, race, religion and age. The Dalai Lama once stated that, “If every 8 year old in the world is taught meditation, we will eliminate violence from the world within one generation.” Meditation not only has health benefits of:

  • lower blood pressure
  • improved blood circulation
  • lower heart rate
  • slower respiratory rate
  • reduce anxiety
  • lower blood cortisol levels
  • more feelings of overall health
  • stress reduction
  • deeper relaxation

But, it can bring your soul a deep sense of overall happiness, spiritual enlightenment, a greater sense and connection with the Creator and the Universe. Meditation is a divine act within itself. When you choose to meditate, you are making a conscious decision to get out of your own head, and get connected to your higher self, God, Spirit Guides, Guardian Angels or all of them.

The beautiful thing about meditation is that any one of any age can do it; you do not need special training or anything other than yourself to engage in meditation. It is important that, when you meditate, you remain mindful to the best of your ability. If you are struggling with something in your life like love, family issues, health, business, career changes, and even financial worries, mediation can help you get clear divine answers. Most people I know, including myself, have one major potential problem when they meditate; falling asleep. This is very common, especially as a beginner. There is a fine line between a meditative state, and a sleep state. Don’t become frustrated if this happens to you. I am a big believer that if you fall asleep during your meditation it is for a reason. Many times certain energies can only integrate with your energy and body in a sleep state. Think of it as getting an energy update. Allow it to happen the way it is supposed to and know that you are receiving what you need at that time. You may even find that you receive your answers in your dreams. Once you create a mediation routine or know triggers in your life that would benefit from meditation, you will know that the answers are just some deep breaths away.

It may take some practice at first, but before you know it, you will be able to experience deeper meditations. Here are a few simple steps to begin your mediation practice.

  1. Find a place you feel safe, comfortable and can relax. This can be in your home, garden or a place you consider sacred.
  2. Set your intensions for the meditation session. What are you looking to receive answers to? If you are unsure, ask the Creator or the Universe to tell you what you need to know for the greatest good of your higher self.
  3. Decide if you are going to meditate with sound. There are many great options, for guided meditations, or meditation music with breaths. I personally happen to love the OM Life music by OmHarmonics. http://www.omharmonics.com/
  4. Get comfortable in your mediation space. You may find that you are most comfortable sitting or lying down. For beginners, I recommend sitting in the lotus position, or in a crossed legged sitting position. To know more about the lotus position, and examples, visit http://www.yogaoutlet.com/guides/how-to-do-lotus-pose-in-yoga/
  5. Close your eyes
  6. Start to breathe naturally. Start to remove the distractions in your mind and focus on your breath. Notice how your body moves with each inhale and exhale.  With each breath imagine yourself getting more and more connected to the divine.
  7. If your mind wanders, simply return your focus back to your breath. Focus on your breath for 2–3 minutes, and then reset your intensions for the session.
  8. Stay mindful and open to listening to what comes through for you once in your meditative state.
  9. When you believe your meditation session has come to end, slowly start to become more aware of your surroundings, and slowly awakening from mediation. Finally express your gratitude to the Creator, Universe or who you worked with during your mediation.

There is no set time for the duration of mediation other than the restrictions that you place on it. Allow the divine to provide you the time you need in order to receive the answers you seek. Once you become more experienced you will find that you can achieve a meditative state and the clarity you need in as little as 10 minutes. You may find that when you first start out, you may only meditate for 2 -3 minutes and that is ok. As you progress, the length of time will expand.

Just make sure that when you set the time aside to meditate you can fully dedicate yourself to it without being interrupted.

Trust the messages that you receive during your mediation session and trust that they are coming from a purely divine source. It is easy to forget what you experience during your sessions. So, I recommended writing down the your experience, what answers or guidance your received, and how you felt physically and spiritually. Did you feel energy, or visually see images in your mind; could you feel a divine presence? Keep track of these items so you can revisit them later on. It will help you tremendously especially if you are mediating on an issue you plan on doing a lot of work with, such as a health issue, relationship, or life purpose. If writing is not something that comes easily for you, you can always use the voice recorder feature on any smart phone and document your experience that way.

When you embark on your mediation journey, you are making a choice to improve your mind, body and spirit. Make the experience your own, and do what feels right for you, because that is exactly what you are supposed to be doing. Be mindful, listen and embrace the time with the higher source energy.

“Prayer is when you talk to God; Meditation is when you listen to God” – Diana Robinson

Stay Inspired by the Divine


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