Reconnecting To The Divine Through The Power of Prayer…


I think it is safe to say that life, as we have known it up until this point, is different now. This past year, I have had to reach into parts of me that, for some reason, I had turned into white noise I was ignoring. Often, when we are faced with a situation in life that is too unbearable to deal with ourselves, or we think is impossible, we go back to what has always been proven to help…Faith. I am not talking per se about religion, but faith. All souls here on Earth, come from the same place. We are given missions and assignments in this life that we have to learn. Some of those assignments may be believing in other things than many others believe in. But, for me, this has been a year of faith and trust in the Divine like never before. Through the course of my necessities, I found my way back to a few things. I had a deep conversation with God. I admitted that I had somehow gotten very lost in life. I had remembered that every time I had gone to God with something, no matter the size of the request, HE always found a way and answered my prayers. When I was in my twenties, there were many times I found myself in not the right spot for me in life. I asked God to send me a sign. HE did! At that moment, I wasn’t a fan of the sign he had sent me. I asked HIM to send me another one. HE did! The second time the message that HE was leading me away from something was even louder. In that situation, all had worked out in my favor in the long run. When I found myself tired of waking up every morning for what felt like months from a stomach issue, I went to God and said, I know you think I am strong, but I am tired of feeling this way, please help. HE did. I had quit smoking for nine months and then for some reason, started again. years later when I knew I was ready to quit because I wanted to, I went to God and asked him for a second chance at it. I asked HIM to make it as easy as it was for me the first time I quit. The first time I quit, I stopped cold. I didn’t use any tools or have any cravings, nothing. I went with my whole heart and said if you can make it that easy for me one more time. The next day, I quit cold. No cravings, no urges, as I had never smoked at all. Every time I had turned to HIM in my time of need, HE never failed.

Many years later, I found myself very sick, and in and out of the hospital. Many Doctors looked at me and were unsure how I was even alive. I specifically remember one night in October 2016, when I was 33, I showed up to the ER around 1:00 am because I had been vomiting for days and wasn’t stopping. I had been having a very difficult time walking for months, but people had brushed certain things off because I was only in my thirties. The Doctors at the ER decided to do a CT Scan to see if it was related to one of my medical conditions. About thirty minutes later, the DR had come back in the room with a very shocked look and specifically said, “I do not know how you are alive right now.” He informed me that I had five blood clots. One in my abdominal aorta, both kidneys, spleen and one in my femoral artery. He also said that from right above my belly button to the end of my pelvis all of my arteries including my Superior Mesenteric Artery that supplies vital blood flow to the colon were completely occluded. The only blood supply I had been getting to my lower organs and my legs was because my body had created a bypass and grown new capillary veins. When I was released over a week later, I was desperate and found a prayer online for a Miracle. I will admit, I said it before going to sleep and when I woke up the next morning, I will be honest, I was pissed I didn’t feel better. I may have even told God and Jesus WTH. I continued to say that prayer a few more times but had given up when I didn’t receive my Miracle healing right away. This was just one of many situations when I had been questioned how I was still alive. Fast forward three years later, I found myself faced with something that was even more challenging than my health issues and, as I mentioned, felt very lost and broken inside in ways I had never felt previously.

You would think it would be easier for a person who is lucky enough to hear God when I ask him a question. But, even I had gotten off track.

Once I had made amends with God and myself about some things in my life, I came to a realization. When I was pissed because I couldn’t see or feel the Divine when I needed them the most, I was wrong! They had always been there. I had been given my Miracle; it had just taken some time to come to the surface for me because it was on Divine timing. Which, in case you don’t know, is always on time. It is never early, never late, always exactly when it is meant to arrive. It was through the course of the greatest necessity of my life that I began to see things so clearly, and pieces of my soul and purpose and Destiny were aligning. God had been preparing me all my life with the tools needed to overcome any obstacles that would stand in the way.

The Power of Prayer is a very real thing! We have to remember that God is even more attached to our happiness and us fulfilling our Soul Purpose than we are. He created us to be our best selves. So, when you go to HIM, HE will always show up for you, no matter what. HE helped me to find some tools that have truly made an impact in my life, and reconnect me to the Divine in a way I always should have been but had been ignoring. One of the many things that has fascinated me about this process up to this point, is how God will also place people in your life so that when you reach out to friends, family, and loved ones they will also be there to help you. Divine tools to succeed come in both Human form and other items.  Although my current necessities are still coming to the surface, I know God and all of the Divine are on it.

This is the Miracle Prayer I had mentioned I had said back in 2016:

Dear God Prayer

I wanted to share with you some of the amazing tools; I have been blessed to find in this process.

Thank You Prayer

Align Holy Spirit Prayer

Healing Traumas Prayer

I had even been working very closely with Jesus and Mother Mary during this process, as well. It took me some time to realize that it was true what they had said that Jesus had never changed and what he did in the Bible, Jesus does today. I have seen it in my own life! Once I realized “oh my” that is a true statement, it blew my mind. Mother Mary had mentioned I should do the Rosary, and what an amazing teacher to learn from than Mother Mary herself. She helped me create a very powerful form of the Rosary, which combines a prayer novena for her and the traditional rosary. Here is that combined document if you are guided to use the Rosary as well in your everyday life, or being guided to get closer to your faith once more. Below you will find the traditional Rosary, and also a revised version that is a more uplifting vibration, that was directly guided from Spirit on the revisions.

Rosary Prayer

Revised Elysian Life Design Rosary Prayer

One of the most important tools that I will share with you is that I had truly learned to let go, and let God. Again, I am blessed with a God-given a gift to hear God. HE would say to me, “Stacey, give me the control.” And, I would say, “God, I like the control!” We went back and forth, for a few days, but HE always gets HIS point across and as soon as I turn over everything. And I mean everything. Every part of my life, being and the world, that is when movement happened. God had tapped me into my own life, and said: “Girl, this is the moment I have been preparing you for, let’s go, we got work to do.” Let Go, and Let God. I promise you HIS WILL is to lead you to happiness, health and a life that is beyond what you could have ever dreamed of possible. But, we have to say to HIM let your WILL be done. Get me out of my way and lead the way. When I did this, I started to see positive changes in my life. My life, being and world started aligning to God’s WILL for me. Even my mind become clear, and I had peace in my mind, and in my thoughts.

We all have it in us. We all have access to it; we just forget that it is there. We can get caught up in all of the external things in life, but always remember that we never have to go through it alone. If we can move past the fear, and say “HELP” God will. So will all of the Divine, but we have to ask for it.

If you are lost and having a hard time, turn everything over — every part of yourself and your life. Sometimes, you will see things happen within seconds. Some other things are going to take some time to unfold. But trust that even before you ask for help, they see it, so the moment you ask, they are already working it out for your highest good. Be patient in the process and know that truly with God on your side, all things are possible. There is nothing stronger, more powerful or more loving than God, and HE will never fail you, just like HE has never failed me, or anyone for that matter. I often tell HIM that I am grateful he never goes back on the promises HE places in your heart. It doesn’t matter if someone else says no, or that can’t be done, or that is impossible. When it is God’s WILL, HE will make way for it to be done. I have seen HIM do it for me. I am watching HIM doing it all around me, and I know no matter who you are if you are reading this, HE leads you to it and HE will do it for you as well.

Stay Inspired!


© 2019 Elysian Life Design. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without written permission from this site’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Elysian Life Design with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

Healing Through Forgiveness…

In life, everything comes down to two things. Fear and Love. That’s it, fear and love. Those are the two choices we have to work with. It can be so easy to pick fear and hold on to everything because it is familiar, and it is what we know. Even if it is no longer working for us, we stay stagnant and resist the changes that are being worked through us because we can be scared to face some uncomfortable things in life. We spend a lot of life pushing things down. Know, or perhaps we feel judged because we trusted someone with information and they used it to manipulate us.  Or, their response did not make you feel secure and supported which was what you needed. If that has happened to you, as hard as it may be, that person you turned to in your time of need that responded poorly or talked you out of doing something that you wanted to do, or hurt you so badly to the core that you have been unable to let it go. Is it unfair, yes, it is. But, that person, was coming from a place of their best. And, that they could give at the time. Sometimes, even at our best, we can be our worst. Sometimes, the people we turn to bring out the worst in us. It is an opportunity to learn from our “teachers” to fix these triggers and wounds within ourselves. Take a deep look at the root of the trigger and come to a place where it no longer triggers you. Trust me, it can take a while to forgive and work through some of these things. It won’t happen overnight, but it will happen. There is one key step that you need to take first before you venture along the path of forgiveness of others. You have to start with forgiving yourself!

The relationship that we have with ourselves is the foundation that we have with everyone else in our life. I used to think it was crap when people would say that to me. I thought that they didn’t know what they were talking about. The first step of forgiveness that you must take is looking at yourself and forgiving yourself for the things you did unknowingly. For that one time you saw all the red flags but continued down the path anyway and it led you to a bad place. It’s time to forgive yourself. If you are replaying things or decisions in your mind that when badly for you a month ago, or forty years ago – STOP. To move forward, you have to forgive yourself for feeling like you let yourself down. Some of you may read that and think, that’s crap. You can think that now and that is ok. But, you may find a moment in your life where it clicks. You will look at it and say, I couldn’t forgive whatever situation, because, at the root, I forgave the wrong person. That is why sometimes, you can forgive someone, but it still bothers you and it can continue to boil inside and eat away at you. Go back to the situation and forgive yourself. Then, when you do that, you can come to a place where you can let it go fully from your mind, body, and soul. Holding onto unforgiveness, only hurts you. The other person, may or may not care or even give it a second thought. But you have to free yourself from it first. It all starts with you.

It won’t be easy, but it will be worth it in the long run. Through forgiveness, you can find patience and compassion, not only for yourself but others. Peace in your heart that filters into the peace of mind that so many of us have been trying to find for so long. We can turn the fear and ego out and have peace. It comes from the inside out. So, as you venture into forgiveness, start with you, and then work yourself out to the other people in your life. If those people see the growth and happiness, they will either look and you and ask how did you get happy, or I don’t forgive you. If they can’t forgive you, that is ok. That is on them, not you. The moment you truly forgive yourself and then them, you are free from the burden of carrying it and can move forward. Spend some time using the Ho’oponopono payer:

I’m sorry, please forgive me, I thank you, I love you

Do this for yourself for five minutes a day for at least seven days in a row. When and if you want, if you feel that perhaps you can’t face the other person you need to forgive, close your eyes, visualize them in front of you and say the prayer for your situation with them.  Let it then all workout, and it will. That is when the healing process can begin to fully come full circle and spread through your entire life.

Stay Inspired,


© 2019 Elysian Life Design. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without written permission from this site’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Elysian Life Design with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

The Day I Met Santa…


The story of Santa Claus is one a lot of us grew up with. Learning about and experiencing the Magic that is Yuletide from songs about good old Saint Nick and leaving out milk and cookies for him on Christmas Eve is a magical part of so many people’s childhoods. I remember being young and thinking, “How does he get around the world in one night?”

But, as we get older, the world around us seems intent on convincing us that it is not cool or acceptable to believe in something magical, something that we cannot immediately understand with our logical minds. I am going to share with you a story that I have not shared with many people. I hope it’s something that will inspire some hope or magic this Holiday Season.

Back in 2012, I had a profound experience on the Winter Solstice. If you remember, that coincided with the last day of the Mayan Calendar. Many of us now know the energy changed in the world that day and it was like a veil had been lifted. Well, that was the day when, for whatever reason, the light switch inside of me turned on, and with it, all of my Spiritual gifts. It was on that day that I realized that I had been suppressing my connection with Spirit.

That experience awakened my soul and put me on the path to my Spirituality. It awakened me from all my years of slumber. Ever since that day, I have always been acutely aware of the magic that can happen at this time of year. Some call it a Christmas Miracle, some the Winter Solstice, and others simply call it December 21st.

For most of my life, I had experienced health challenges, mostly various autoimmune challenges. As my soul went through this newfound awakening, some of those issues came to a cataclysmic result. Three years later, in 2015, I found myself in a hospital bed – the week before Christmas. Although things weren’t as bad as they had been in the past, or in hindsight as bad as they were going to get, no one loves being in the hospital, especially right before the holidays.

I have always been able to sense things but I often ignored them or pretended they did not exist. I could be in a space and know that something else was there with me and get a sense of energy from it. I know that others can sense things too. We often think this is bad or scary energy because we do not understand what it is. The unknown is often an unsettling experience. When I fell asleep, I would often hear people talking to me or calling my name, and sometimes saying things I wasn’t sure I wanted to hear. I remember thinking, “Why do they always want to talk to me right before I am about to go to sleep?” Well, that was because, at that time in my life, that was the only time my vibrations were high enough to be open to receiving the messages.

I knew energy and spirits were around and there was this whole universal aspect of life. But, I was not sure I was ready to fully embrace that part of who I was. I continued to live my life that way for many years and had done an excellent job suppressing them, or so I had thought. When that switch flipped, everything became clear, and yet I understood there was so much to learn, and so many more questions. That day, on the Winter Solstice, that was the day I stepped into my full relationship with Spirit, the Divine, and I awakened to my purpose.

So, in 2015, as I was lying in that hospital bed contemplating life and trying my best to focus on the Christmas magic I could still harness, even if I was not at a magical Winter Solstice event. When it happened. That was when I saw Santa Claus walk through my hospital wall.

I may have just lost some of you for a moment, so let me repeat that, Santa Claus walked through the wall. Red suit, holly jolly, Saint Nick…

The hospital can be a very active place for someone who is sensitive to energy, or who can see and hear Spirits. But, never in my life had I expected to see that.

Surprisingly, my first thought was not fear or disbelief, but I remember thinking, “Ok, things are about to get interesting!” As Santa walked closer to my bed, I did what any person would do. I said, “Hi, Santa.” He walked over to my bedside and held my right hand. As he did this, he shared his trade secrets with me, and my mind was officially blown. In that moment, I remember thinking, this makes SO much sense.

Before I tell you a little of what Santa said, it is important to understand that everything is an energy frequency. As humans, we are made up of billions of particles that are made out of energy, therefore, we are energy. And, anything is possible if you tap into the right frequency of that energy.

Here is what Santa told me.

He said, “If Spirit is energy, and energy can be anywhere, then all of us have been looking at Santa the wrong way!”

He is not a physical man who comes down our chimneys at night and leaves us physical gifts under the tree! He does something much more important. Santa is energy. Whether believing is seeing, or seeing is believing, Santa is Spirit energy. Just like how the Universe is energy and we know there is something larger than ourselves in the Universe. Because Santa is this energetic frequency, he can be anywhere and everywhere all at the same time. Spirit frequency knows no time, and therefore time does not exist.

That, for me, solved the question of how he travels around the world in one night and visits every child while they sleep. What he continued to tell me was that every Christmas Eve, he visits the hearts of every child and person who believes in the magic of Christmas. He might not come in physical form, but he manifests energetically, he delivers the most powerful and profound gift to those believers. To a child or adult who has an open heart to the power of belief, he gives them the gift of “Christmas Spirit.”

Christmas Spirit is something that will mean different things to different people. For some, it is peace on Earth, kindness to other people, the charity of giving and helping those in need, good tidings, and cheer. For others, it may mean something else. But, the magic of Christmas, the kind of magic that can bring miracles, is the Christmas Spirit. That frequency of peace, joy, blessings, and gratitude for all that we already have in our lives.

This kind of frequency can bring peace on Earth if every person opens their heart to it more.

To me, that is the most important gift of all; one that is surrounded by unconditional love from the Universe, from God. Miracles, kindness, belief, peace, and happiness to the human soul.

So, as Santa stood there holding my hand, he asked me if my heart was open to receiving the Christmas Spirit. Of course, I said yes! As he leaned down and kissed my forehead to give me the gift of the Christmas Spirit, I felt the cells in my body as they reawakened to the magic that Santa Claus had just gifted me. As the Spirit of Christmas was now inside of me, he said his goodbyes, gave me an old-fashioned Santa wink of his eye, touched my nose with his finger, and said, “See you next year!” Then, he left the way he came and walked back through the wall, off to deliver the Christmas Spirit to another person.

The very next day, I was told that I would be going home. Some may not view this as a Christmas Miracle, but I sure considered it as one.

Since that day, I have seen Christmas differently. It is not about a gift under the tree. It is, in fact, about filling our hearts with the magic of the “Christmas Spirit” and all the other forms of spiritual gifts that come from tapping into its energy.

So, this Holiday Season, even though life may have brought you in a direction that makes it hard to believe in Santa, or perhaps you and your family want to incorporate a new tradition, one that doesn’t cost anything but will give you the best gift, I encourage you to try and open your hearts to the magic that can be had and experienced – by believing, and allowing the Spirit of Santa to give you the most important gift you can get at Christmas… The Christmas Spirit.

Stay inspired,


© 2018 Elysian Life Design. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without written permission from this site’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Elysian Life Design with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

A Spiritual approach to De-Clutter your life & why it’s important…

This year, more than ever, I felt surrounded by “stuff”! On all levels, I was cluttered. In my mind, my surroundings and everything felt like it was busting at the seams. I would both physically and energetically clean my space, and yet it would still feel like something was off. Then I realized that I had to start to de-clutter my life. Truth is I was a much different person when I was in my twenties than I was in my mid-thirties. In my twenties, it was “things” that I collected that were fake fulfilling me. When looking back, I was an internal mess in my twenties. At one point I had 100 pairs of shoes. A) I am not proud of that and B) no one needs that many shoes. Reality is most of the shoes hurt my feet and I never wore them or wore them once, but kept them for some kind of sentimental value. We will discuss this shortly. When I turned thirty, I had a shift. It wasn’t because I was in a new decade of my life. Things that once made me happy were suddenly not as fulfilling as they once were. I had a dramatic overhaul of shifts in perspective. Suddenly, material items like brand names, bags, belts, jewelry, shoes etc were not what made me happy anymore. To be honest, those things never did. They only masked the internal clutter I was trying to hide such as my stress, unhappiness, depression, anger, frustration and other emotions I didn’t want to feel and more. Without realizing it, I had formed unhealthy attachments to objects. I bought them to fill a void. It didn’t work.

So, even though it took about 5 years for this shift to fully come into perspective, and probably even longer. I found myself at 35 and wondering what the heck to do with all this stuff? When you go through a major life overhaul it can be overwhelming. So, I suggest you start in steps. If you are like me, make a list of the steps you want to take. You will want to have three lists going for yourself, and sub-lists within each list. The first list is all of the clutter that fills up your mind. All the things you worry about over which you have no control. That one was first on my list and I have been working on that for a good three years and I will probably be a work in progress on that for the rest of my life.  Then you want to write down on that list as well, all the people that hold space in your head that don’t deserve to. I speak from experience! Cut them free from your head or send them a rent bill every month, because it is not worth it. Forgive them, forgive yourself and then let it go, and repeat if and when necessary. Then, write everything else on the list that clutters your head. Like, finances, security etc. Then, go through the list and cross off things over which you have no control. Automatically, those get cut and let go. I never thought a day would come where I would complain and say, I am paying too much for my phone bill or my cable bill. But, the day came. If finances are something that fills your head with clutter, the best thing you can do it actually look at them. See where you stand. See where you can adjust and make changes. What is each worth for you to keep in your life? Call the vendors you work with and see if there is any way they can lower your monthly bill. For me, I looked at my bills, I decided to get rid of cable. Yes, it took some adjustment. But, I was already paying a membership to Amazon Prime and had access to Netflix so spending over $100 just in cable didn’t make sense. Just like 100 pairs of shoes, I didn’t need to be watching that much TV anyway. I wanted quiet in my life and to be able to hear nature. I changed car insurance companies where I actually got more for less money. My point is to look at areas of your life and see where the money is going and adjust where you can and how you can. It doesn’t happen overnight, but the shift happens and then it becomes your comfortable place. Finances are hard for people. They are often the area that keeps people in places they don’t want to be any more for many different reasons. Make financial choices that your future self will thank you for. The next two lists may be harder believe it or not.

Energetically and physically clear your space. Energetically; everything that ever happens in our space leaves a residue of energy that can become imprinted in the space. Illness, doubt, arguments, negative emotions, trauma, grief and even every day energetic junk that you pick up can build up in the rooms of your space. Prosperity, high vibration, and abundance have a difficult time in lower vibration spaces. So, remove the clutter, organize, and make room for new. A rule that I have personally followed is that, if you have not used it in six months, get rid of it. Let’s be honest, we do not always have this “urge to purge”, or clean up. But, when your body tells you it is time, listen to it and just go with it. That is the absolute best time to go through your closet, cabinets, etc. When you get that urge to organize and clean things out, your emotions will less likely to interfere with your decisions of whether or not to keep sweatpants you love but can no longer wear because they are so worn out, or the CD you bought in 1998 that you now have in your digital music collection. Which organizing my digital library is also on my declutter list, as well as organizing my computer files. But like I said, let’s take small steps.  If you are the type of person who doesn’t get that urge that is ok too; try to do a good de-clutter at the change of each season. Take that feeling and drive and make a “physical things” list. This was definitely where I saw the shift happen. Like I said, I had a lot of stuff, and a lot of stuff I simply didn’t use anymore. And, not only did I have stuff in my home, I also had some at my parent’s house too. (I know they will read this and say to themselves and you still do…again I am self-proclaimed work in progress.) Like I said before, the basic rule to de-clutter anything is; if you haven’t used it in six months it is time to let it go. This is where keeping things for sentimental reasons can come into play. You may not even want to do a list for the physical stuff and just start purging. When you have one of those moods where you just want to clean, that is your best time to do it. You will not be influenced by your emotions to keep that t-shirt from that place, a person visited and brought back for you that you never wear. No! It’s time to let that go. Now, when I decided to go through this phase I also took on being better to the environment. So, I didn’t want to throw anything away. Everything I was letting go of either had to be donated, given to a friend who wanted it, or recycled. So, make a pile of what is what. When I questioned an item, I put it in the Goodwill pile. I had a lot of really nice expensive things that I was going to let friends get first dibs on and so those went in a separate pile. The one thing I definitely came to terms with while I was doing this was that I had more than one bad habit in my twenties besides smoking. The first rule to any recovery process is admitting you have a problem. I had a big one on my hands that I didn’t want anymore. Like the shoes, I had to have because they matched my bag. Guess what, I never wore them. I bet if I added up everything I donated it would come to thousands of dollars. Someone said, “why don’t you sell these things”?  Honestly, I was at the point I just wanted to give them a new life. If they were just going to sit in my closet like they had for the last six years, it was time to let it go and cut my losses. It got to the point where a friend asked me in a concerned voice, “why are you getting rid of all your stuff”? Are you planning on moving across the world or going somewhere”? I simply told them, “I just have too much and it is an older version of myself that I no longer am, and I am ready to let that go and free myself from that version of myself.” Now listen closely people. We all have those one pair of pants or that one item that looked amazing 15 to 20lbs ago that we hang on to as a goal. It is time to let those go as well. Now, this is a multilayered physical list that, for some, may require years to fully work through and that is ok. Besides Goodwill, I also like to donate to Dress for Success, and a local organization that helps families get back on their feet after disasters like house fires etc. Maybe you want to donate your items to a church or organization you like to work with. The point is let the items you are no longer using get a fresh start with someone who needs them. It may take you longer to spread the wealth and find new homes. For instance; you have tons of new bottles of hand lotion that you know you are never going to use.  For those who can’t afford such a luxury your donation would be like a lottery win. There are a lot of women’s shelters and shelters in general that will take items off of your hands. Re-gain your energy, space and emotional well-being. You will be amazed at how accomplished, happy, lighter and at ease, you will feel once you declutter your space. Only then will you see how the clutter was impacting you. I always found that when my home felt cluttered my overall life felt cluttered and stagnant. Even after days of work and many bags of things to drop off at donation locations, I still felt like there was a lot left. But again, I am a work in progress. I, at least, got the Chi moving in my space and it was starting to feel good. In the right space, you can accomplish your dreams. Sometimes that space is outside of you, and sometimes it is internally. And, if you’re lucky, you’re outside surroundings start to match your internal cleansing process.

The last list is all the internal things you need to de-clutter which takes the longest and is often the most stubborn and challenging. Looking back I think I have been de-cluttering my soul all my life. At least feels that way. Now, I wouldn’t suggest trying to do everything at once like I did, because it can often times it can feel like a crash diet where you are setting yourself up for failure. There were many times during the soul part of the de-clutter I felt like a failure, that I need to be better, do better, and be the best version of myself I could be. Again, I think this list is one we work all of our lives because on because as humans we are constantly evolving, changing, upgrading ourselves, working through things, dissolving toxic relationships even with ourselves, and working on boundaries. Not to even mention all of the past life stuff we internally hold. If you are empathic, you are also carrying everyone else’s “stuff” you are carrying around with you also.  There is no quick fix when it comes to de-cluttering your soul. But, when you combine these lists that is where you start to see the impact on your soul. During my de-cluttering phase, I took a look at my actions, limitations, how I was treating and caring for my body, soul as well as others, and environment. I stopped using straws and reduced the amount of trash I had, and focus on how I was impacting the environment. I started taking better care of my skin, and feeling my feelings and not filling them with things. I looked at foods that I was putting in my body and how they were processed. I worked on my feelings towards myself and removed fears and triggers. This is also when you have to learn to say “NO”. Not only to other people that are causing these triggers for you but to yourself as well. No, you don’t need that etc. Whenever I “wanted to buy” something, I slept on that decision overnight and 99% of the time I didn’t want it anymore. And, yes that is something I will have to continue to work on every day. But, when you become more fulfilled internally than externally, you don’t need all this “stuff”. I used to look at the world’s problems as something that was too big for me to fix and it was so overwhelming. It is as if Humans are literally hoarding the Earth and there was nothing that I could do to make that better. But, I was wrong. I could stop contributing to the problem. By going through this process, I not only think about what I am buying from a financial standpoint, but I have a different perspective of need and want after purging my life. So, I accumulate less. I also realized that with no cable my life isn’t any less than it was and I am not missing out on that and I find less clutter in my mind. It doesn’t mean that now I am naive to the world. I just view it differently and choose to live a slower pace without the noise whenever I possibly can.

Now, this really only scratches the surface of the infinite possibilities of shifts you can experience when you de-clutter your life. Again, you will want to have patience with yourself. Don’t try and do everything at once as you may find yourself in a mind, body and soul clutter mess. Also, don’t give yourself false expectations that they next day you are suddenly going to feel amazing. Especially on the mental and soul clutter items. Now, to really de-clutter your life could take years. If that is the pace is right for you, that is ok. I still have a ton of de-cluttering left to do myself and I would imagine I will be doing it for a while still, if not my whole life. But, I do know that this process has really, for the first time, allowed me to let go of the past that I really needed to let go! Release, forgive and move forward to my present and the future me that I am building every day. One that feels fulfilled on the inside because of healthy relationships, friendship and love of myself and purpose rather than one who collects “just in case items” for a non-existing use or need.

Finally, once I have physically and energetically cleaned my home, I am started feeling like I could take a deep breath. Remember, you are going to have ups and downs and that is ok. It is not a sprint, it’s a marathon and all you can do is wake up each day and do the best you can that day and that is enough. Nothing more, nothing less than your best. Every day you have the opportunity to be the person you know you can be mistakes and all. It’s a small piece in a big picture, but can have a wonderful impact on your overall life. You don’t need to get rid of everything you own to declutter your life. It is more about the learning process that organizing and process of an item with a purpose offers. You have all you need inside of you to feel fulfilled without trying to clutter your mind, body & soul.  I hope something in this month’s blog helps you on the path to finding it.

Stay Inspired,


© 2018 Elysian Life Design. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without written permission from this site’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Elysian Life Design with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

All Things Solar Plexus Chakra…

solar plexus

What if I told you there was a spot within you where if you tapped into it, you could unlock courage, personal power and you could feel more worthy in your everyday life. We have all been there when we had a “gut” feeling about something and we knew it was going to be an issue. But, we did it anyway and then we wished we would have listened to our gut! That instinct and the key to unlocking the courage and personal power within you is called the Solar Plexus Chakra. We all have one. Even animals have one. But, most of us do not pay it any attention and we can go our whole lives that way. Until one day we open up to this energy source, and it changes our life.


What is a Chakra?

A chakra is an energy source that is within your various energy fields and the physical body. It can also be referred to as a wheel of energy.  These wheels of energy connect various energy sources within your body to each other. They then connect to your physical body, and also cosmic energy. That is how we get our “Chi, Life Force Energy, Prana” etc. We all have a large variety of Chakras within all of us. There are seven major Chakras which you may be more familiar with. Running from the Base of your tailbone up to the top of your head, these seven main Chakra’s help us stay balanced, connected and healthy. When they are all working together and aligned, they can be your best friend. But, when they are having a tough time, need support and having a temper tantrum, well let’s just say you will be in for one heck of a journey. But that is another blog in itself.


What is the Solar Plexus Chakra & Why is it important:

The Third Chakra, also known as the Solar Plexus Chakra, is just above your naval area. This energy source deals with raw emotions such as abundance, anger, frustration, personal power, success, worthiness, and intuitions. This Chakra is like your own personal vision board that you carry within you every day. It is the key to manifesting living your best life and achieving all of your desires. It is up to you to decide whether to focus on the positive aspects or negative ones.


How the Solar Plexus Chakra Affects your Physical & Emotional Health:

When this energy source is balanced, you can feel worthy, filled with confidence, happiness, feelings of achievement, success, calm and full of life like the Sun. It also allows you to remain flexible and allows you to handle life’s changes with ease. When this Chakra is unbalanced it can lead to a slew of health issues, unbalanced emotions, depression, anxiety, unhealthy boundaries, doubt, anger, digestive issues and more.

This is a unique chakra. Not only does it sit in a location that houses most of the essential organs from the stomach, large intestines, liver, nerves and headquarters for our immune system, etc. It can also be vital to our muscular system and can affect diabetes, self-esteem issues, and even arthritis.


Signs your Solar Plexus Chakra is blocked:

  • A physical health issue such as constipation, addictive behavior, reflux issues and more.
  • Difficult time keeping healthy boundaries with people and even ourselves.
  • Feeling bored with life, passive, depressed and anxious.
  • Oversensitive to thoughts and feelings and well as a feeling of vulnerability and an uneasiness of life.
  • Overwhelming feelings of shame.
  • Self- Esteem and Self-control issues.
  • Weight gain and a form of energetic protection.


Signs your Solar Plexus Chakra is balanced:

  • A clear direction of your life path and goals.
  • Balanced relationships, work ethics, physical and emotional thoughts and actions.
  • Motivation to achieve goals & desires.
  • Positive self-esteem, sense of self and core beliefs and upholding values.
  • Strong leadership skills & seeing the abundance in your life.


Ways to keep your Solar Plexus Chakra balanced & aligned:  

  • Cut your Energy Cords on a regular basis. Ideally once a day if possible.
  • Get organized in your physical space, and this will help you have the motivation to achieve other goals.
  • Incorporating yellow foods into your diet such as corn, lemons, yellow peppers, yellow squash, etc.
  • Physically work your core area in exercise.
  • Practice positive affirmations to yourself and listen to positive uplifting music and sounds.
  • Put into place healthy boundaries and set up ways to make it easy to keep them in place. For example, if you are a “yes” person to everything and someone asks you if you want to do something, simply say let me check my calendar and get back to you. This way you have some time to think about it.
  • Remember your inner roar, and that you are strong, worthy and can achieve your desires and rise above the ebbs and flows of life.
  • Spend some time in the sun and in nature connecting to the energy within you.
  • Surround yourself with yellow or gold light. Either by placing an energy bubble of these colors around you or by decorating your space in these colors.
  • Using Bergamot, Elevation, Cheer, or Lemon Essential oils. We personally recommend DoTerra Essential Oils.


I have learned that using “I AM” Affirmations specifically targeting my solar Plexus Chakra is the best and easiest way to keep it working at the desired levels. For example, some powerful ones are “I AM Worthy, I AM Enough, I AM Abundant, and I AM Achieving my dreams.” Telling yourself those simple key phrases every day can make a huge impact in making sure your Solar Plexus Chakra is balanced and healthy. I also love working with crystals for the Solar Plexus Chakra like Citrine, Tiger’s Eye, Orange Calcite, and Pyrite. Simply by carrying them on you or having them in your space can make a huge difference for you and the health of your Solar Plexus Chakra. Try getting in the habit of taking a minute each day to connect yourself to your Solar Plexus Chakra, talking positively to it, setting a daily affirmation and setting the day in a positive motion. By doing this you will create an environment that harnesses self-worth and personal power where you can achieve all. And, certainly, this can take time as we all have self-doubt, vulnerability, and fears that arise. But, take it day by day and each day give it your best effort and see what happens. The more you nurture it the more benefits you will start to see play out in your life. Then, one day you will wake up and feel that abundant joy and inner worth that was right inside of you the whole time and you will be living your desires.

I was and still am one of those people who has to constantly try to keep my Solar Plexus Chakra balanced. It is one of my weakest chakras, so I can understand firsthand the frustration it can cause in your everyday life and how it can touch each facet of life from business to personal. The best advice I can offer is to try to get to a place where you accept that you are enough just the way you are. You don’t have to be anything you aren’t in order to make others happy. Just be you. If that’s a good person or a challenging person just do the best you can and that is enough. We are all works in progress and it can take time to get to where we want to be. But, each day give yourself your best chance to make the day abundant and count towards the good in your life.

Stay Inspired,


© 2018 Elysian Life Design. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without written permission from this site’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Elysian Life Design with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.


Your Divine Support Team…


The Divine Support Team

We all have access to a Divine Support Team, and it can be one of the most powerful spiritual tools we could ever use on our spiritual journey. In many ways, it can be the ultimate connection to the Divine. It will open and expand your mind to realize that the Divine works in an amazing way beyond our understanding and if you haven’t experienced the Divine’s gifts first hand you would find it hard to believe it was real.  Are you ready for a key part of accessing your own Divine connection?


What is your Divine Support Team?

The Divine Support Team is very important to any healing process. It can be made up of your Guides, Power Animals, Passed Love Ones, Angels, Divine beings and any Deities you may work with already, or to which you feel a connection.


Why should you work with them?

Your Divine Support Team can help you stay sane during the healing process. It is easy to feel alone when you are going through a healing crisis of some kind. But, the truth is the Divine is always there to support you. You may have to ask for the healing, help, and guidance. It may not come instantly. But, your request will be heard and it will come.


How can you work with them?

Call them in every day. Ask them to help your ground yourself and remain open to hearing them, or seeing any signs they are sending. The more you work with them the stronger the connection will become, and the level of trust will enhance. Sometimes it is as simple as asking for help from them. We have to give permission for our Divine Support Team to intervene in our life. We also highly suggest that you not only the use of signs and symbols to connect with them but also use meditation and mindful awareness of your thoughts. Here are some resources to review for more information.


The Divine, and your Divine Support Team are an extension of the Universe. You will start to see miracles in your life every day by working with them and remembering to ask for help. You may feel that issues are unsurmountable in your life. But, to the Divine, all things are possible. Remember they are on your side, and your biggest supporter. I know sometimes things don’t turn out the way we would like. But, in most cases in hindsight, we can see the blessings behind why it didn’t happen, and understand the bigger blessings that we never imagined. Hold faith that however life works out that it will hold those Divine blessings for you.

Stay Inspired,


© 2018 Elysian Life Design. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without written permission from this site’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Elysian Life Design with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.


Spring Transformation & Balance…


This is one of my most favorite times of year. It is a time when we welcome the balance of the day-force and the night-force with the Spring Equinox (also known as the Vernal Equinox or Ostara). On this day, there will be an equal amount of day time and night time. In Christianity it is associated with the passion of Christ and Ancient cultures often associated it with Resurrection. Much like during spring, the Earth resurrects from winter and the darkness. This is a magical day of new beginnings, transformation, and re-birth. The energy of this day will help you match your grid matrix with that of the Universe and offer you healing and balance.

The month of March is all about Fertility and new growth. So, what better day than the Spring Equinox to welcome in new beginnings and any transformation you have been seeking. Many of you may have heard the term “Spring Cleaning”. I am a big fan of “spring cleaning” my soul. Bring in your light, shed your old layers, let go of anything and any one that is toxic to your energy, bring balance, resurrect from your ashes, and give birth to your spiritual self. This isn’t always an easy thing to do. Many of us want to manifest all these abundances into our lives. If the space you have inside is cluttered and full of all these old emotions and limitations, how can new things grow? You have to make the room. So detox your mind, body, and spirit this month as you prepare for the Spring Equinox.

Here are a few suggestions how you can celebrate the Spring Equinox:

  • Clear a space for a garden
  • Honor Mother Earth and spend some time taking a walk in nature
  • Meditate for balance at dawn or sunset
  • Honor the God or Goddess of your choice and ask for their assistance with your transformation
  • Use the energy of the day to fuel new projects and goals
  • Leave an offering of fruit as a symbol of fertility and growth for the nature spirits
  • Light some candles at dawn to help welcome more light to the Earth
  • If you are a mother, spend some time honoring your own fertility and gift of life that was created within you
  • If becoming a mother is part of your re-birth, honor your fertility and set your intentions with Mother Earth, your God or Goddess of choice and the Universe
  • You have heard the phrase “Spring Cleaning”, there is a reason. This is the time to clean your home and welcome in the new season
  • This one was my personal favorite to do last year. It is an activity you can do with the whole family. At the exact time of the Equinox, if you take an egg outside and place it on the ground, it will stand up straight! Yes it is true, I tried it myself and it actually works and is really cool to see in person
  • You can hold a Holi Festival with your family and friends. A Holi Festival is a Hindu tradition where they throw various colors at each other and around town, in honor of the revival of spring

No matter how you choose to spend the Spring Equinox, know that your own transformation is divinely supported. Make that room in your spirit and know that you can achieve any goal you have if you nurture it and allow it to grow just like springtime. With the change of the season, you will start to feel more balanced and re-energized.

Stay Inspired,


© 2018 Elysian Life Design. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without written permission from this site’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Elysian Life Design with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

Move into Action in the New Year…

girl plays superhero

With the New Year, the energy in the Universe urges us to take action in our lives. Not only action, but authentic action! You will find that the energy of 2018 is giving you the push you need to get your life together and get things that you have been dreaming of done. Taking action in our lives can create the results:

  • Action Creates Courage
  • Action Allows Emergence
  • Motivation Follows Action

Taking action in our lives is like creating change. It can be a very scary thing to do. We can get stuck in fear just thinking of moving forward. Part of the reason we sit in the non-action zone is that many of us we have a fear of failure. We will not do something simply because we can’t fail if we don’t try. That is why fear kills more dreams than failure ever will. When we take action on those dreams and goals, we find out what we are made of, what we are actually capable of achieving, and ultimately emerge. When we create an emergence, we step into who we are meant to be without hesitation or resistance to change. We can also find peace within ourselves and our lives. Once we find internal peace that is when the hard part kind of begins. It is the long term of the action. When we have action, we must have motivation that allows us to keep that action. What is your driving force for the action you are taking? Do you want to live your purpose? Do you want to help others? Do you just want enough money to pay for your needs? Whatever it is that is going to get you out of bed each day to walk in action instead of fear is what you need to nourish. Just like you have to water a garden for it to grow, you must be willing to water your dreams and commit to them for the long term. Part of the reason we can fail at action is that we think making one mistake ruins everything. So, we might as well just give up on it because it is easier than continuing. Let me tell you that, every day and even every second of every day, you have the power to keep going. To decide, yes I screwed that up, but I am going keep going because I believe in my dreams. You want them so badly that you can taste it. If you believe it you will achieve it. If you don’t you won’t. It is that simple.

Other ways you can focus on taking action in your life is:

Connect with the Present: Stay as present as you can each day. Learn to focus on only the things over which you have control. A book that really helped me in this area was “Change your thoughts, change your life” by Wayne Dyer. If you struggle with your thoughts getting the best of you at all, I highly recommend reading it. You can also watch his PBS special at

Think before committing: I will admit, I am a people pleaser. I used to have a big problem saying yes to everything. To make things worse, I would say yes without even thinking if it was something I really even wanted to do. Then, as soon as I agreed, I would start thinking about it. We have the right to say no to some things as well. If you don’t want to meet that friend at the bar at 9pm on a Monday night, you don’t have to. Justifications are not required. When I realized that I needed to change the pattern that I created, I implemented the following procedure. When anyone asked me if I wanted to do something, instead of saying yes right away, I would tell them that I would check my calendar and get back to them. Then, I would give myself one day, and then answer back. Now if it is something you know you really want to do, then of course say yes. But, if you find yourself in the pattern of saying yes to everything, and then canceling or backing out of commitments at the last minute, you may want to try this and see if it helps. We want to be authentic in our action. That is why taking a day to think about it actually help you stay authentic to yourself and to the people who are asking you.

Accountability:  We live in a time where accountability is a hard trait to come by. At some point, I fear finding someone who takes accountability for their actions will be like trying to find a Unicorn. Everyone is an individual. But, at some point, we all have to be accountable for our actions. We don’t want to achieve our dreams and actions by manipulation, or cheating, or hurting other people on the way. When you fuel action by those things you will never really attain you goal. The way to achieve the desired outcome from your action is through our own authenticity. How one person achieves it doesn’t mean that is how you will. You have to be brave to look at yourself and hold yourself accountable for who you are and the actions you take. Attaining your dreams is solely your responsibility.  Here is a great article on the topic further:

Now, along the way, you may not get it right and that is ok. But, I guarantee you that you will learn something each time you try, and then there will come a day that you do get it right. It won’t happen overnight, but there will come a day when you wake up and say “wow, I did it!”

“The path to success is to take massive, determined actions.” – Tony Robbins

Stay Inspired,


© 2018 Elysian Life Design. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without written permission from this site’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Elysian Life Design with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

Universe Help: What’s my Life Purpose?

nov news

What is my life purpose? That is one of the most common questions asked by people in in my sessions. It is a question that I have asked myself most of my life. Trust me I often think “If I knew then, what I know now”. We know that our past doesn’t define our present. But, it can provide you lessons and opportunities to figure everything out. I often think that we shouldn’t, at 18 know what we want to do with the rest of our lives. We don’t even really know who we are as a person often until our thirties. Then, when we figure it out, we have “wasted” all that time doing what we thought we loved verse what we know we are meant to do. We can feel trapped in the illusion of our security. We are afraid to makes changes once we figure it out. But, how do we even know for sure what our purpose is. Trust me if it was as easy to go see someone who can connect with your guides like myself it would be super easy. I wish I could tell people what their purpose is. But, one of the most important steps in finding your purpose, is your journey in life. Every day, every step, every choice leads you further on your path and that is how you gain insight. Many times we make choices and at the time those choices really serve who we are. But, fast forward 10 years and you may desire to live a quieter lifestyle than you once did. That will lead you in the next step of your purpose. The question is; where do we start when we don’t even know what direction to go in? Here are some helpful steps:

  1. Follow your heart, instead of your mind: I assure you the headquarters of your EGO isn’t going to tell you what you are supposed to achieve fulfillment and happiness. So, don’t ask it and don’t listen to it. Listen to the place built and designed to make you feel love and passion. Start asking your heart to lead your steps and actions.
  2. Don’t live in fear of change: “Fear kills more dreams, than failure ever did.” We all know that fear, especially of change is super scary. In my opinion, worse than a scary movie. It is really through cataclysmic change that we rebuild what is important in our lives. And, anyone that knows their purpose will tell you that they experienced some sort of trauma on their journey to finding out their purpose. Either their entire life went to crap first, or they suffered a loss so deep, or they almost died in order for them to get the message.
  3. “Do” instead of “think”: How many times a day do you spend thinking, instead of doing? I know I think and over-think things till my brain hurts. We can get so caught up in the “what ifs”, and plan a –z that we stay in place and don’t move. I often think, “I wish someone would just tell me what choice to make”. We are the only ones who can take the actions needed to achieve the goals we want. No one else can do it for us. If you want that dream to come true, you have to make choices that get you there, not think them.
  4. Do something every day you are passionate about: By living passion and trying new things, we figure out what we love to do. Maybe you always wear pink nails, but you really love purple. Next time you go to get them done, be bold and be you. If purple and sparkles makes you passionate about life do your fingers and your toes. It can be any size thing that makes you feel that passion, but take that chance and do something small or large every day to help you find out what you are made out of.
  5. Expand your comfort zone…even just a little: Our comfort zone is like a warm, soft blanket on a cold rainy day. Why in the world would we want to move from something like that? There is a saying by Anna Berkes that says, “If you want something you have never had, you must be willing to do something you have never done.” In order to find our purpose and figure is out, we have to get out and explore the adventure waiting for us.

Perhaps, you are asking the Universe “What is my purpose?” There are a few things that I recommend to people who are in search of their purpose or know their purpose but, don’t know what to do with it when they come to me. A “Divine Check-In” or a Numerology Report. You can learn more about both on our website: or our ETSY store:

Whatever you think or know your purpose is take steps to live it every day, because that is only the beginning of the journey and the beginning of all the abundance coming your way.

“The mystery of human existence lies not in just staying alive, but in finding something to live for.”
– Fyodor Dostoyevsky

Stay Inspired,


© 2017 Elysian Life Design. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without written permission from this site’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Elysian Life Design with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

Summer Solstice: Welcome the Love & Light

I am sure that many of us have long awaited this day after the crazy winter we all had with the back and forth of nice weather and cold weather. This day marks the time of year when the days start to get longer than the nights. Also known as Midsummer or Litha, it is truly a time for celebration. The time of the “light” that we experience during the Solstice and the summer months is a great opportunity for you to work on some of your spiritual goals, reconnect with the “source” energy, or manifest your dreams. Here are a few things you can do to during the Summer Solstice, to draw in the power of the sun and gratefully welcome in the season:

  • Hold a Solstice bonfire celebration.
  • Spend the day out in Nature and reconnect with the energy of the Sun.
  • Seek some realignment in your overall life! Perhaps you should adjust some of those New Year’s resolutions.
  • Reconnect with your Faith and renew your relationship with God.
  • Take a walk along a body of water. While you are walking, visualize what your summer, special events, love, people and new careers that you wish to bring into your life this summer will look like.
  • Sit outside and read a book that can connect with your purpose.
  • Start a healthy food cleanse.
  • Consider an Energy Healing session to clear out old energy and make room for new.
  • Meditate outside in a garden, forest, park or your sanctuary in your own yard.
  • If you happen to like Ancient Egyptian Culture like I do, work with the Egyptian God Ra. Ra is the God of the sun and radiance.
  • Have a conversation with the Faeries… Yes Faeries. Making reference to “A Midsummer Night’s Dream”, there is much magic that can be obtained working with the Faeries. This can also be a fun activity if you have children. Perhaps, build a little Faery home or terrarium and welcome them to come into your home, garden or your dreams.
  • Make an altar with summer flowers and herbs, and light a candle and tell the Universe what you wish to manifest this summer.
  • Participate in a Solstice Ceremony or Drumming Circle.
  • On or around the Solstice time, go outside and just stand in the sun for a few minutes to soak in the energy of the Sun. If you really want to feel this, stand facing the sun, close your eyes, put your hands up and just enjoy the feelings.

No matter how you choose to spend the Summer Solstice, know that there will be loving magic behind your intentions. This is what will make it unique and special for you. With the warmth of the Sun coming to Earth, you can expect to feel happier, healthier and an overall sense of well-being, physically, emotionally and spiritually. There are many Sun deities and Goddesses that you can work with during your summer solstice celebrations, and you may want to work with them all. The most important thing is to recognize what you are guided towards and go with it as it is part of the carefree joy and laughter of the season.

“And so with the sunshine and the great bursts of leaves growing on the trees, just as things grow in fast movies, I had that familiar conviction that life was beginning over again with the summer.” – F. Scott Fitzgerald

Stay Inspired,


© 2017 Elysian Life Design. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without written permission from this site’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Elysian Life Design with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.