Reconnecting To The Divine Through The Power of Prayer…


I think it is safe to say that life, as we have known it up until this point, is different now. This past year, I have had to reach into parts of me that, for some reason, I had turned into white noise I was ignoring. Often, when we are faced with a situation in life that is too unbearable to deal with ourselves, or we think is impossible, we go back to what has always been proven to help…Faith. I am not talking per se about religion, but faith. All souls here on Earth, come from the same place. We are given missions and assignments in this life that we have to learn. Some of those assignments may be believing in other things than many others believe in. But, for me, this has been a year of faith and trust in the Divine like never before. Through the course of my necessities, I found my way back to a few things. I had a deep conversation with God. I admitted that I had somehow gotten very lost in life. I had remembered that every time I had gone to God with something, no matter the size of the request, HE always found a way and answered my prayers. When I was in my twenties, there were many times I found myself in not the right spot for me in life. I asked God to send me a sign. HE did! At that moment, I wasn’t a fan of the sign he had sent me. I asked HIM to send me another one. HE did! The second time the message that HE was leading me away from something was even louder. In that situation, all had worked out in my favor in the long run. When I found myself tired of waking up every morning for what felt like months from a stomach issue, I went to God and said, I know you think I am strong, but I am tired of feeling this way, please help. HE did. I had quit smoking for nine months and then for some reason, started again. years later when I knew I was ready to quit because I wanted to, I went to God and asked him for a second chance at it. I asked HIM to make it as easy as it was for me the first time I quit. The first time I quit, I stopped cold. I didn’t use any tools or have any cravings, nothing. I went with my whole heart and said if you can make it that easy for me one more time. The next day, I quit cold. No cravings, no urges, as I had never smoked at all. Every time I had turned to HIM in my time of need, HE never failed.

Many years later, I found myself very sick, and in and out of the hospital. Many Doctors looked at me and were unsure how I was even alive. I specifically remember one night in October 2016, when I was 33, I showed up to the ER around 1:00 am because I had been vomiting for days and wasn’t stopping. I had been having a very difficult time walking for months, but people had brushed certain things off because I was only in my thirties. The Doctors at the ER decided to do a CT Scan to see if it was related to one of my medical conditions. About thirty minutes later, the DR had come back in the room with a very shocked look and specifically said, “I do not know how you are alive right now.” He informed me that I had five blood clots. One in my abdominal aorta, both kidneys, spleen and one in my femoral artery. He also said that from right above my belly button to the end of my pelvis all of my arteries including my Superior Mesenteric Artery that supplies vital blood flow to the colon were completely occluded. The only blood supply I had been getting to my lower organs and my legs was because my body had created a bypass and grown new capillary veins. When I was released over a week later, I was desperate and found a prayer online for a Miracle. I will admit, I said it before going to sleep and when I woke up the next morning, I will be honest, I was pissed I didn’t feel better. I may have even told God and Jesus WTH. I continued to say that prayer a few more times but had given up when I didn’t receive my Miracle healing right away. This was just one of many situations when I had been questioned how I was still alive. Fast forward three years later, I found myself faced with something that was even more challenging than my health issues and, as I mentioned, felt very lost and broken inside in ways I had never felt previously.

You would think it would be easier for a person who is lucky enough to hear God when I ask him a question. But, even I had gotten off track.

Once I had made amends with God and myself about some things in my life, I came to a realization. When I was pissed because I couldn’t see or feel the Divine when I needed them the most, I was wrong! They had always been there. I had been given my Miracle; it had just taken some time to come to the surface for me because it was on Divine timing. Which, in case you don’t know, is always on time. It is never early, never late, always exactly when it is meant to arrive. It was through the course of the greatest necessity of my life that I began to see things so clearly, and pieces of my soul and purpose and Destiny were aligning. God had been preparing me all my life with the tools needed to overcome any obstacles that would stand in the way.

The Power of Prayer is a very real thing! We have to remember that God is even more attached to our happiness and us fulfilling our Soul Purpose than we are. He created us to be our best selves. So, when you go to HIM, HE will always show up for you, no matter what. HE helped me to find some tools that have truly made an impact in my life, and reconnect me to the Divine in a way I always should have been but had been ignoring. One of the many things that has fascinated me about this process up to this point, is how God will also place people in your life so that when you reach out to friends, family, and loved ones they will also be there to help you. Divine tools to succeed come in both Human form and other items.  Although my current necessities are still coming to the surface, I know God and all of the Divine are on it.

This is the Miracle Prayer I had mentioned I had said back in 2016:

Dear God Prayer

I wanted to share with you some of the amazing tools; I have been blessed to find in this process.

Thank You Prayer

Align Holy Spirit Prayer

Healing Traumas Prayer

I had even been working very closely with Jesus and Mother Mary during this process, as well. It took me some time to realize that it was true what they had said that Jesus had never changed and what he did in the Bible, Jesus does today. I have seen it in my own life! Once I realized “oh my” that is a true statement, it blew my mind. Mother Mary had mentioned I should do the Rosary, and what an amazing teacher to learn from than Mother Mary herself. She helped me create a very powerful form of the Rosary, which combines a prayer novena for her and the traditional rosary. Here is that combined document if you are guided to use the Rosary as well in your everyday life, or being guided to get closer to your faith once more. Below you will find the traditional Rosary, and also a revised version that is a more uplifting vibration, that was directly guided from Spirit on the revisions.

Rosary Prayer

Revised Elysian Life Design Rosary Prayer

One of the most important tools that I will share with you is that I had truly learned to let go, and let God. Again, I am blessed with a God-given a gift to hear God. HE would say to me, “Stacey, give me the control.” And, I would say, “God, I like the control!” We went back and forth, for a few days, but HE always gets HIS point across and as soon as I turn over everything. And I mean everything. Every part of my life, being and the world, that is when movement happened. God had tapped me into my own life, and said: “Girl, this is the moment I have been preparing you for, let’s go, we got work to do.” Let Go, and Let God. I promise you HIS WILL is to lead you to happiness, health and a life that is beyond what you could have ever dreamed of possible. But, we have to say to HIM let your WILL be done. Get me out of my way and lead the way. When I did this, I started to see positive changes in my life. My life, being and world started aligning to God’s WILL for me. Even my mind become clear, and I had peace in my mind, and in my thoughts.

We all have it in us. We all have access to it; we just forget that it is there. We can get caught up in all of the external things in life, but always remember that we never have to go through it alone. If we can move past the fear, and say “HELP” God will. So will all of the Divine, but we have to ask for it.

If you are lost and having a hard time, turn everything over — every part of yourself and your life. Sometimes, you will see things happen within seconds. Some other things are going to take some time to unfold. But trust that even before you ask for help, they see it, so the moment you ask, they are already working it out for your highest good. Be patient in the process and know that truly with God on your side, all things are possible. There is nothing stronger, more powerful or more loving than God, and HE will never fail you, just like HE has never failed me, or anyone for that matter. I often tell HIM that I am grateful he never goes back on the promises HE places in your heart. It doesn’t matter if someone else says no, or that can’t be done, or that is impossible. When it is God’s WILL, HE will make way for it to be done. I have seen HIM do it for me. I am watching HIM doing it all around me, and I know no matter who you are if you are reading this, HE leads you to it and HE will do it for you as well.

Stay Inspired!


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