Reconnecting To The Divine Through The Power of Prayer…


I think it is safe to say that life, as we have known it up until this point, is different now. This past year, I have had to reach into parts of me that, for some reason, I had turned into white noise I was ignoring. Often, when we are faced with a situation in life that is too unbearable to deal with ourselves, or we think is impossible, we go back to what has always been proven to help…Faith. I am not talking per se about religion, but faith. All souls here on Earth, come from the same place. We are given missions and assignments in this life that we have to learn. Some of those assignments may be believing in other things than many others believe in. But, for me, this has been a year of faith and trust in the Divine like never before. Through the course of my necessities, I found my way back to a few things. I had a deep conversation with God. I admitted that I had somehow gotten very lost in life. I had remembered that every time I had gone to God with something, no matter the size of the request, HE always found a way and answered my prayers. When I was in my twenties, there were many times I found myself in not the right spot for me in life. I asked God to send me a sign. HE did! At that moment, I wasn’t a fan of the sign he had sent me. I asked HIM to send me another one. HE did! The second time the message that HE was leading me away from something was even louder. In that situation, all had worked out in my favor in the long run. When I found myself tired of waking up every morning for what felt like months from a stomach issue, I went to God and said, I know you think I am strong, but I am tired of feeling this way, please help. HE did. I had quit smoking for nine months and then for some reason, started again. years later when I knew I was ready to quit because I wanted to, I went to God and asked him for a second chance at it. I asked HIM to make it as easy as it was for me the first time I quit. The first time I quit, I stopped cold. I didn’t use any tools or have any cravings, nothing. I went with my whole heart and said if you can make it that easy for me one more time. The next day, I quit cold. No cravings, no urges, as I had never smoked at all. Every time I had turned to HIM in my time of need, HE never failed.

Many years later, I found myself very sick, and in and out of the hospital. Many Doctors looked at me and were unsure how I was even alive. I specifically remember one night in October 2016, when I was 33, I showed up to the ER around 1:00 am because I had been vomiting for days and wasn’t stopping. I had been having a very difficult time walking for months, but people had brushed certain things off because I was only in my thirties. The Doctors at the ER decided to do a CT Scan to see if it was related to one of my medical conditions. About thirty minutes later, the DR had come back in the room with a very shocked look and specifically said, “I do not know how you are alive right now.” He informed me that I had five blood clots. One in my abdominal aorta, both kidneys, spleen and one in my femoral artery. He also said that from right above my belly button to the end of my pelvis all of my arteries including my Superior Mesenteric Artery that supplies vital blood flow to the colon were completely occluded. The only blood supply I had been getting to my lower organs and my legs was because my body had created a bypass and grown new capillary veins. When I was released over a week later, I was desperate and found a prayer online for a Miracle. I will admit, I said it before going to sleep and when I woke up the next morning, I will be honest, I was pissed I didn’t feel better. I may have even told God and Jesus WTH. I continued to say that prayer a few more times but had given up when I didn’t receive my Miracle healing right away. This was just one of many situations when I had been questioned how I was still alive. Fast forward three years later, I found myself faced with something that was even more challenging than my health issues and, as I mentioned, felt very lost and broken inside in ways I had never felt previously.

You would think it would be easier for a person who is lucky enough to hear God when I ask him a question. But, even I had gotten off track.

Once I had made amends with God and myself about some things in my life, I came to a realization. When I was pissed because I couldn’t see or feel the Divine when I needed them the most, I was wrong! They had always been there. I had been given my Miracle; it had just taken some time to come to the surface for me because it was on Divine timing. Which, in case you don’t know, is always on time. It is never early, never late, always exactly when it is meant to arrive. It was through the course of the greatest necessity of my life that I began to see things so clearly, and pieces of my soul and purpose and Destiny were aligning. God had been preparing me all my life with the tools needed to overcome any obstacles that would stand in the way.

The Power of Prayer is a very real thing! We have to remember that God is even more attached to our happiness and us fulfilling our Soul Purpose than we are. He created us to be our best selves. So, when you go to HIM, HE will always show up for you, no matter what. HE helped me to find some tools that have truly made an impact in my life, and reconnect me to the Divine in a way I always should have been but had been ignoring. One of the many things that has fascinated me about this process up to this point, is how God will also place people in your life so that when you reach out to friends, family, and loved ones they will also be there to help you. Divine tools to succeed come in both Human form and other items.  Although my current necessities are still coming to the surface, I know God and all of the Divine are on it.

This is the Miracle Prayer I had mentioned I had said back in 2016:

Dear God Prayer

I wanted to share with you some of the amazing tools; I have been blessed to find in this process.

Thank You Prayer

Align Holy Spirit Prayer

Healing Traumas Prayer

I had even been working very closely with Jesus and Mother Mary during this process, as well. It took me some time to realize that it was true what they had said that Jesus had never changed and what he did in the Bible, Jesus does today. I have seen it in my own life! Once I realized “oh my” that is a true statement, it blew my mind. Mother Mary had mentioned I should do the Rosary, and what an amazing teacher to learn from than Mother Mary herself. She helped me create a very powerful form of the Rosary, which combines a prayer novena for her and the traditional rosary. Here is that combined document if you are guided to use the Rosary as well in your everyday life, or being guided to get closer to your faith once more. Below you will find the traditional Rosary, and also a revised version that is a more uplifting vibration, that was directly guided from Spirit on the revisions.

Rosary Prayer

Revised Elysian Life Design Rosary Prayer

One of the most important tools that I will share with you is that I had truly learned to let go, and let God. Again, I am blessed with a God-given a gift to hear God. HE would say to me, “Stacey, give me the control.” And, I would say, “God, I like the control!” We went back and forth, for a few days, but HE always gets HIS point across and as soon as I turn over everything. And I mean everything. Every part of my life, being and the world, that is when movement happened. God had tapped me into my own life, and said: “Girl, this is the moment I have been preparing you for, let’s go, we got work to do.” Let Go, and Let God. I promise you HIS WILL is to lead you to happiness, health and a life that is beyond what you could have ever dreamed of possible. But, we have to say to HIM let your WILL be done. Get me out of my way and lead the way. When I did this, I started to see positive changes in my life. My life, being and world started aligning to God’s WILL for me. Even my mind become clear, and I had peace in my mind, and in my thoughts.

We all have it in us. We all have access to it; we just forget that it is there. We can get caught up in all of the external things in life, but always remember that we never have to go through it alone. If we can move past the fear, and say “HELP” God will. So will all of the Divine, but we have to ask for it.

If you are lost and having a hard time, turn everything over — every part of yourself and your life. Sometimes, you will see things happen within seconds. Some other things are going to take some time to unfold. But trust that even before you ask for help, they see it, so the moment you ask, they are already working it out for your highest good. Be patient in the process and know that truly with God on your side, all things are possible. There is nothing stronger, more powerful or more loving than God, and HE will never fail you, just like HE has never failed me, or anyone for that matter. I often tell HIM that I am grateful he never goes back on the promises HE places in your heart. It doesn’t matter if someone else says no, or that can’t be done, or that is impossible. When it is God’s WILL, HE will make way for it to be done. I have seen HIM do it for me. I am watching HIM doing it all around me, and I know no matter who you are if you are reading this, HE leads you to it and HE will do it for you as well.

Stay Inspired!


© 2019 Elysian Life Design. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without written permission from this site’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Elysian Life Design with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

Spring Transformation & Balance…


This is one of my most favorite times of year. It is a time when we welcome the balance of the day-force and the night-force with the Spring Equinox (also known as the Vernal Equinox or Ostara). On this day, there will be an equal amount of day time and night time. In Christianity it is associated with the passion of Christ and Ancient cultures often associated it with Resurrection. Much like during spring, the Earth resurrects from winter and the darkness. This is a magical day of new beginnings, transformation, and re-birth. The energy of this day will help you match your grid matrix with that of the Universe and offer you healing and balance.

The month of March is all about Fertility and new growth. So, what better day than the Spring Equinox to welcome in new beginnings and any transformation you have been seeking. Many of you may have heard the term “Spring Cleaning”. I am a big fan of “spring cleaning” my soul. Bring in your light, shed your old layers, let go of anything and any one that is toxic to your energy, bring balance, resurrect from your ashes, and give birth to your spiritual self. This isn’t always an easy thing to do. Many of us want to manifest all these abundances into our lives. If the space you have inside is cluttered and full of all these old emotions and limitations, how can new things grow? You have to make the room. So detox your mind, body, and spirit this month as you prepare for the Spring Equinox.

Here are a few suggestions how you can celebrate the Spring Equinox:

  • Clear a space for a garden
  • Honor Mother Earth and spend some time taking a walk in nature
  • Meditate for balance at dawn or sunset
  • Honor the God or Goddess of your choice and ask for their assistance with your transformation
  • Use the energy of the day to fuel new projects and goals
  • Leave an offering of fruit as a symbol of fertility and growth for the nature spirits
  • Light some candles at dawn to help welcome more light to the Earth
  • If you are a mother, spend some time honoring your own fertility and gift of life that was created within you
  • If becoming a mother is part of your re-birth, honor your fertility and set your intentions with Mother Earth, your God or Goddess of choice and the Universe
  • You have heard the phrase “Spring Cleaning”, there is a reason. This is the time to clean your home and welcome in the new season
  • This one was my personal favorite to do last year. It is an activity you can do with the whole family. At the exact time of the Equinox, if you take an egg outside and place it on the ground, it will stand up straight! Yes it is true, I tried it myself and it actually works and is really cool to see in person
  • You can hold a Holi Festival with your family and friends. A Holi Festival is a Hindu tradition where they throw various colors at each other and around town, in honor of the revival of spring

No matter how you choose to spend the Spring Equinox, know that your own transformation is divinely supported. Make that room in your spirit and know that you can achieve any goal you have if you nurture it and allow it to grow just like springtime. With the change of the season, you will start to feel more balanced and re-energized.

Stay Inspired,


© 2018 Elysian Life Design. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without written permission from this site’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Elysian Life Design with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

Releasing with the Full Moon

cute little child girl enjoying meditation and yoga on green grass on moon sky (1)

The Full Moon is much more than something that helps light up the night sky and blocks certain constellations from being seen due to the moonlight. The moon represents the feminine, emotional, creative and nurturing aspects of our lives and has been worshiped throughout ancient history. The Full Moon is also known to have high tide of power, amplifying and inspiring our creativity. It is a time to release that which no longer serves us, what we no longer need in our lives or an aspect of ourselves that we have outgrown.

A complete cycle of the moon takes exactly 28 days, radiating her energy to us in cycles of waxing and waning, bringing in the ebbing and flowing we all feel throughout the month.

Besides providing some nice ambient lighting in the night sky, the moon can affect us in many ways that we don’t even realize. Much like the moon affects the tide of the ocean, it affects our body. More than half of the human body consists of water. Consequently, your body can feel full, bloated, etc around the full moon and lighter around the new moon. Also, women tend to go into labor around the Full Moons due to the gravitational pull of the moon and the fluid that surrounds the baby. The phases of the moon also affect our sleep patterns. I know whenever there is a full moon, I feel more restless and become an insomniac especially on Super Moons. There is a quote that says “In my defense, the Moon was full and I was unsupervised” Your mood is also another area that can change based on the Moon. Yes, that’s right! There is also a saying I used to hear growing up; “all the weirdo’s come out on the full moon.” I use to take this very seriously, until somewhere in my 30’s I realized that I was one of the weirdos taking a moon bath, talking to the sky, and doing other things in my yard. You can read about that below. But, the moon can bring things up and can even cause chaos inside of us. If we don’t understand it, we can feel like we are losing our minds or want to yell and scream at someone. Life can be very frustrating especially if you do not know why you have these feelings. So, start paying attention to your patterns and how your body feels in relation to the moon, and see if that helps change your perspective on life.

Here are some of my favorite ways to work with the Full Moon

Full Moon Altar:

Creating an altar with a specific intention is one of the most powerful things you can do to harness the magic within you. It doesn’t have to be fancy, or the biggest most beautiful thing you have ever seen. It just has to come from the heart. Allow your soul to speak through your actions and the items that you choose. I like to make sure I have a white candle representing the full moon. I also like to choose certain stones or crystals depending on what I am working on releasing with that specific moon. Other items you may find helpful are, feathers, musical items such as a rattle or drum and some sage to burn. Music is a great way to shift energy as you are releasing it. So, you can burn some sage, drum and sit in front of your altar and release all that no longer serves you.

Moon Bath:

No matter what I am doing the night of the Full Moon, I always like to make some time for a moon bath! A moon bath, is where you spend some time under the moonlight and just allow your energy and the energy of the moon to connect. It can be as simple as a few minutes to thirty minutes or an hour. When taking a moon bath, I like to stand with my hands palm up in the receiving position and just talk to La Luna. I tell her everything I wish to release and areas from which I am ready to move on. I ask her help in clearing the way providing an easy separation. It can be a powerful experience to allow the vibes of the moon to soak into your energy field. The Full Moon is also a great time to charge and clear any of your stones, crystals and other spiritual tools. You can place them on a window sill facing the moonlight, or place them directly outside where they can soak up the energy.

Moon Water Bath:

Similar to a Moon bath, a Moon water bath or Moon bathing, is where you soak in the tube with some Himalayan Salt.  The minerals of the salt are absorbed while toxins are released into the bath water. The inside and the outside of your body detoxifies through this process, while your energetic field is restored and energy flow is activated. You can also add other herbs and essential oils to your liking. Some popular choices are cedar, frankincense, hyssop, juniper berry, myrtle, orange, rose, sage, sandalwood, tangerine, tea tree and yarrow. While you allow yourself to soak in the water for a good 20 to 30 minutes, allow the energy of the bath to release any specific intension you may have as well.

Moon Prayer:

Praying with the moon can also bring you much releasement. Here is one of my most favorite prayers to for the Full Moon. “I AM now choosing to cleanse myself and release any and all thought forms, beings, situations and energies that are no longer of service to my highest and greatest good. across all planes of my existence, across all universes and across all lifetimes. I ask that all energies that are less than love be transmuted for the highest good of all. And so it is.” – You are Luminous

Fire Ceremony:

When we talk about releasement, fire or burning something may not be the first thing that comes to your mind. But, in the processes of burning something, you are releasing the energy associated with it. A fire ceremony is simple yet powerful. You will want to start by writing down what you want to release with the Full Moon. Sometimes, it can be just a few items or maybe you have pages of stuff you want to let go of. Once you have everything written down, head outside to the moonlight. If you have a fire pit you will be all set. If not, grab a fire safe bowl or pot, a lighter or matches, and a bottle of water. Find a great place where you can see the moon and either head to your fire pit, or take your other items. Preferably, you will be away from your house and on concrete. If you are using a fire pit, simply state your intensions to the moon and ask that it free you from everything on the list and throw it in the fire. If you are using a fire safe bowl or pot, rip the paper up into smaller pieces and place them in the bowl. Once in the bowl, set your intentions for releasement, and use the lighter or matches to set them on fire. Once everything is done, you will want to safely extinguish the fire. If you are using a fire safe bowl, the fire should stop once all the paper is done burning.  Then, pour a little water in the bowl and let it sit overnight in the moonlight. The next day, burry the paper and thank Mother Earth for taking what you have released. You can also make a releasement pot. Where you can burry your monthly releasements in the one pot and allow the paper to act as compost for the pot.

Moon Sprays:

I have had an infatuation with spiritual sprays for many years. So, out of my own desire to work with a special spray for the moons, I created a New Moon Blessing Spray and Full Moon Releasement Spray.  These sprays are made in sacred space, and energetically charged in the appropriate moon phase. They use the highest quality essential oils, flower essences and gemstone elixirs. They are then also charged with reiki and filled with the highest vibrations for either letting go, or drawing abundance towards you. Here is a little more information on our Moon sprays:

New Moon Blessing Spray:
Use this spray to assist you with welcoming your desires and attracting your dreams into your life around the New Moon. Contains: Rose Quartz, Star Sapphire, Sunflower, Moonstone, Carnelian, Lapis Lazuli, Sweetgrass, Gold Lime, Sandalwood, Patchouli, Holy Water and Blessings.

Full Moon Releasement Spray:
Use this spray to assist you with releasing what is no longer serving you, so you can create healing and growth in your life around the Full Moon. Contains: Round Leaved Sundew, Moonstone, Cotton Grass, Selenite, Smoky Quartz, Holy Water, Ylang Ylang, Cypress, Bergamot and Prayers.

For more information about Moon Sprays by Elysian Life Design, please visit our ETSY store at For bulk orders, retail orders, or to order directly through us, please email

No matter how you decide to work with the Full Moon and releasing what you need, as long as it is personal to you, and the intentions in your heart are ready, the magic of the moon is yours to claim and help you in any way you need. “The moon is a loyal companion. It never leaves. It’s always there, watching, steadfast, knowing us in our light and dark moments, changing forever just as we do. Every day it’s a different version of itself. Sometimes weak and wan, sometimes strong and full of light.” – Tahereh MafiShatter Me

Stay Inspired,


© 2017 Elysian Life Design. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without written permission from this site’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Elysian Life Design with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

How to work with Spirit Animals and Power Animals: 101

Working with animals on a spiritual level can be just as important as working with angels, guides and loved one. You may have heard many terms related to the ways animals can work with us spiritually such as “Spirit Animal” and “Power Animal”. A Spirit Animal is an animal who comes to you in order to show you through its own unique nature and skills how to deal with the manifestations of your Spiritual Journey. Think of your spirit animal as a guardian spirit or spirit guide. It can play the role of protector and provides guidance. It’s like a “personal guide or protector.” The Important thing to know about Spirit Animals is that you do not choose your Spirit Animal, and it chooses you! Another key point of Spirit Animals is they will appear only at the time and place in your life when you are ready to accept them and the wisdom they come to offer. I have found that, over the course of various times in life, a person can have multiple Spirit Animals based on what may be going on at that time and can change once a certain lesson may be learned. But, once a Spirit Animal presents itself to you, regardless if a particular part of your journey is over, you can always call on the animal’s energy whenever you need it. You can do this even if a new animal has presented itself or you haven’t worked with the animal in a long time. From what Spirit has told me, everyone has a constant Spirit Animal that they are born with, almost like a Guardian Angel. While other Spirit Animals may come and go, this Spirit Animal will always be by your side.

The other term you may be familiar with is a Power Animal. A Power Animal will often let us call upon it and harness its energy and powers to get us through a situations and particular moments. Unlike a Spirit Animal we can choose this animal. In addition, the spirit of the animal could unite with the person it “chose” in more personal ways and one will often find similarities in traits of personality, characteristics, and synchronicity between the two. As such, the power or essence of the animal can be felt or communicated. One of the cool things is you can actually merge with a Spirit/ Power Animal. If any of you have seen any of the Twilight movies, you know that Jacob is part of a tribe that can turn into wolves. That is a Spirit/ Power Animal for him! I often tell clients to imagine they are one with the animal. For example, let’s say you have a Spirit/ Power Animal that is a lion. You can literally ask the lion to merge with you. It would feel as if the animal was the outside shield protecting you while you were inside and safe from harsh energies.

Here is a great Meditation to help you find your Spirit Animal.

  1. Create a safe private space that you can relax in private free from interruption including all electronics.
  2. You will want to create sacred space. You can use holy water, crystals, prayer, or call in the  guides, and angels you work with. You can also call in the 4 directions (east, south, west, & north) and Mother Earth and Father Sky. If you do not know how to do this, you can read about it here:
  3. You will want to relax by either sitting or lying down in a position which keeps your back straight. Use sounds of nature to help you be present in this meditation.
  4. Relax and breathe. Allow your body to release all tension, beginning at the top of your head or crown chakra. Then, as you continue to breathe, you will find that all negativity and stress have released out your feet and into the Earth.
  5. When you feel ready, invite your spirit animal to come forward. Don’t panic if an animal doesn’t immediately appear. Trust in your intuition and it will come. When it does, welcome them into your energy field. You will also want to thank it for the messages and insight it is going to provide you.
  6. You will want to create a dialogue with the animal. Start by asking it if it is your spirit animal. Once you confirm, ask it any questions you may have. You may want to ask its name, what its purpose in helping you is, you can ask about certain areas of your life that you may need assistance with and so on.
  7. Once you have received all the insight you desire, you will once again want to thank your spirit animal for showing up in your meditation.
  8. You will once again want to focus on your breathing, you will become more present as you return to your sacred space. Take some time to thank any other spirits, guides, angels etc. You will also want to thank the four direction.
  9. You may want to journal about your experience so you can go back and remember the insight that your spirit animal provided you.

Once you know your spirit animal or power animal is, you can work with it through any form of meditation, prayer, or by simply asking that it to join you for the day. I have even seen people incorporate their animal in their jewelry. You can always look for signs of the actual animal as well. This can serve as a reminder that they are with you. The more you work with these animals the deeper connection you will have and the stronger you will trust your own intuition. I love using the site to look up the spiritual meaning of the animal that comes through. It is very detailed and you will learn why that animal is in your life. It is a privilege to work with any type of spirit animal or power animal energy. Consider it just as important as any other relationships you have. Your animal will be there for you and protect you. Stay open to receiving and it will always show up for you.

“I think of animals more as spirits that come and go. They enter our lives at a particular time and they leave at a particular time. The whole glorious history of animals with people is about joy and connection. It’s about loving this creature and letting this creature love you.” – Jon Katz

Stay Inspired,


© 2017 Elysian Life Design. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without written permission from this site’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Elysian Life Design with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

Your Personal Resurrection


How many times have you felt defeated, and just wanted to give up on something? But, then something happens on a spiritual level that you can’t explain and makes you rise above. For some of us, it is faith that brings us through the challenges we face in life. We go through various lessons and blessings that bring us closer to our purpose and where we are supposed to be in life. I have often reflected through the years and felt like each time I was down or out for the count dealing with health issues, relationships, and life in general, there was a moment where I knew I would not only get through it but become a better and newer version of myself as a result. Much like a caterpillar transforming into a butterfly or a phoenix combusting into flames only to rise up from the ashes reborn, we turn into something we never thought possible. We are living in a time where things are different. It feels like every day there is different energy in the Universe, on Earth, and within us. We can feel the shifting and the changes. On some level we resist that change because change is scary. We don’t always know what is on the other side of change and the unknown is a fearful area for most of us because we are unsure how to handle the results of the change. Here is what I believe are the stages we go through during our personal resurrection process:

The Shift: This is the beginning phase, where certain things start happening in your life where you can feel the change start to come. Maybe you have faced health issues in the past and some of the symptoms are coming back, or you feel your relationship with someone you care about is different than it used to be, or you are unhappy at your job. This stage is going to determine the direction of your resurrection journey.

The Fear Battle: This is the really really hard part. This is the phase where you are literally at war with your inner self and sometimes your body. During this phase you can be filled with so much doubt and there will be times you will want to give up, because this is not what you signed up for. Thoughts like, will I ever get better, will this situation ever go in my favor, and will I have a healthy relationship with this person will all run through your mind. During this phase everything is dark and looks dark endlessly. There is no light at the end of the tunnel that you can see and you want to give into that fear because it seems easier that going through the darkness one more day. Trust me, if you can get through this, you can face anything that comes your way.

The Acceptance & Forgiveness: One day you wake up and it’s light again! The pain is gone or a health issue is better, and you can start to see things more clear and get a brighter picture of what is ahead. I remember years ago I dislocated a rib head from my sternum and every day for a year I would wake up nauseous and it would stay that way all day. I thought it would be that way forever and I didn’t know how I would handle it. I prayed about it and did whatever I could do to get it to stop and then one morning I woke up and it wasn’t there anymore. As quickly as our struggles come in to our lives they can leave just as quickly. Once that happens you have to spend time reflecting on what you just went through. Maybe it was months, or years that you were in the battle stage with something. It is important for you to take the time to accept what you went through and forgive others and yourself for things that were done or said or even things that you had no control over such as an illness. Our body needs forgiveness too. We must accept who we are, where we have been and challenges that we have overcame in order to not only heal from the situation, but look at life differently and learn something from it. Nothing we go through is without purpose. Sometimes recognizing that purpose is the light we were and are seeking.

 The Loving Awakening: Did you know that every seven years the cells in our body rejuvenate and literally what makes up our body becomes new. During this final phase, you become new also. You have weathered the storm and made it through the other side. You have literally died in some way saying goodbye to an old version of you and resurrected into the newer, wiser version of yourself. You have come to love yourself for exactly who you are and embraced your flaws and come to understand that you do not have to hide who you are to others or make excuses for how God made you, because HE knew what HE was doing! You have found answers to questions like, what do I want to do the rest of my life, how am I going to get there and perhaps the biggest lesson is why did this happen? You will never be the same once you awaken into the more elevated consciousness version of yourself. The mind and the body are strong, you will have been pushed beyond what you thought you could handle and in the end you were victorious!

Once you have resurrected, you may find that while certain things have changed, some have remained the same. You may still have things to work on, and someday you may have to face the same challenges again. The important thing is that you know you overcame it once and you can do it again each time. You may also find that at the end of the particular journey you started during the shift it doesn’t look or feel how you thought it would. But, that doesn’t mean you are not exactly where you need to be and who you need to be for the new journey you have ahead of you. If you rise up each time, the Divine won’t let you fall.

“A bridge of silver wings stretches from the dead ashes of an unforgiving nightmare
to the jeweled vision of a life started anew.” ― Aberjhani

Stay Inspired,


© 2016 Elysian Life Design. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without  written permission from this site’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Elysian Life Design with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.