Heart Chakra Prayer…

heart-1450300_1280The Heart Chakra is a key power center for all energy of all things related to Love. This chakra allows deep bonds with others, your sense of caring and compassion, feelings of self-love, generosity, kindness, and respect among other things. I also like to think that the Heart Chakra is where we give and receive love to ourselves and others. The colors of the Heart Chakra are Green and Pink, so you can also incorporate them in your wardrobe and accessories when you want to help your Heart Chakra.

Here is some information on how to know if you Heart Chakra is balanced or unbalanced.

When your Heart Chakra is balanced, you may feel emotions of:

Balance of Giving and Receiving, Balance in relationships, Bliss, Compassion, Courage, Emotional Wisdom, Expansion, Faith, Harmony, Healing, Healthy Boundaries, Healthy Relationships, Honesty, Joy, Oneness with Life, Openness, Peace, Self Love, and Self Nurturance.

When your Heart Chakra is unbalanced, you may feel emotions of:

Antisocial, Codependent, Conditional Love, Controlling, Critical, Demanding, Depression, Jealousy, Judgmental, Lack of Boundaries, Lack of Empathy, Self Preservation, Separation, True Forgiveness, Unconditional Love, and Withholding Love.

Some helpful ways that you can help keep your Heart Chakra open and balanced are  by doing some Heart Chakra Exercises and Tools. One of my favorite things for the Heart Chakra is using Affirmations. Here are some that may help you.

Heart Chakra Affirmations

  • I AM accepting all things as they are, and know that all is well.
  • I AM connected to the Earth & the Heavens.
  • I AM deeply and completely love and accept myself.
  • I AM forgiving myself and the the past
  • I AM grateful for all that helped me to transform and open up to love.
  • I AM joy.
  • I AM living a life in balance, happiness and gratitude.
  • I AM love, and it love is within my heart.
  • I AM one with the Universe
  • I AM open to love.
  • I AM peaceful.
  • I AM receiving love with ease and grace.
  • I AM the embodiment of love.
  • I AM wanted and loved.

Other Heart Chakra Tools:

Stones & Crystals

  • Emerald
  • Green Aventurine
  • Green Calcite
  • Jade
  • Malachite
  • Rhodochrosite
  • Rhodonite
  • Rose Quartz

The best ways to work with these crystals, are either placing them directly on the Heart Chakra, having them by your bed while you sleep, wearing them in your pocket, or holding them in your hands.

You can also use Meditation, Yoga, and Visualization.  Additionally, you can also incorporate the color of the Heart Chakra into your diet. For example, leafy green vegetables, or any green foods.

Another powerful tool you can use to help keep your Heart Chakra healthy and balanced is by using prayer. Here is a short prayer I have put together for you. Remember that “I AM” are two of the most powerful words you can say in prayer or affirmations.

Heart Chakra Prayer by Elysian Life Design

Beloved I AM presence, I come before the Universe and Source energy ready to be healed from all of my worries and all that is keeping me unbalanced in my Heart.

I declare that I AM open to giving and receiving love. I AM Love, I AM the embodiment of love. I AM Love.

With each breath, I AM breathing love into my body, and with every exhale I AM releasing worry and stress. I AM breathing in Love 24 hours a day seven days a week.

I AM Love. I AM Worthy of Love. I AM the Embodiment of Love.

I AM surrounded in love every day. I AM loving myself and others without limitation as my Heart Chakra is open and it is safe for me to share love with others.

I AM Love.

(It is recommended that you say this 3 times a day, for the most powerful results and transformation of love. )

Remember that healing your Heart Chakra may not happen overnight. But, the more you work at it, the easier it will become and the more your Heart will open and be able to heal. Remember that you are worthy of love and, to truly love others, you have to start by truly loving yourself. When you do that, all will fall into place.

Stay Inspired,


© 2019 Elysian Life Design. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without written permission from this site’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Elysian Life Design with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.


A Spiritual approach to De-Clutter your life & why it’s important…

This year, more than ever, I felt surrounded by “stuff”! On all levels, I was cluttered. In my mind, my surroundings and everything felt like it was busting at the seams. I would both physically and energetically clean my space, and yet it would still feel like something was off. Then I realized that I had to start to de-clutter my life. Truth is I was a much different person when I was in my twenties than I was in my mid-thirties. In my twenties, it was “things” that I collected that were fake fulfilling me. When looking back, I was an internal mess in my twenties. At one point I had 100 pairs of shoes. A) I am not proud of that and B) no one needs that many shoes. Reality is most of the shoes hurt my feet and I never wore them or wore them once, but kept them for some kind of sentimental value. We will discuss this shortly. When I turned thirty, I had a shift. It wasn’t because I was in a new decade of my life. Things that once made me happy were suddenly not as fulfilling as they once were. I had a dramatic overhaul of shifts in perspective. Suddenly, material items like brand names, bags, belts, jewelry, shoes etc were not what made me happy anymore. To be honest, those things never did. They only masked the internal clutter I was trying to hide such as my stress, unhappiness, depression, anger, frustration and other emotions I didn’t want to feel and more. Without realizing it, I had formed unhealthy attachments to objects. I bought them to fill a void. It didn’t work.

So, even though it took about 5 years for this shift to fully come into perspective, and probably even longer. I found myself at 35 and wondering what the heck to do with all this stuff? When you go through a major life overhaul it can be overwhelming. So, I suggest you start in steps. If you are like me, make a list of the steps you want to take. You will want to have three lists going for yourself, and sub-lists within each list. The first list is all of the clutter that fills up your mind. All the things you worry about over which you have no control. That one was first on my list and I have been working on that for a good three years and I will probably be a work in progress on that for the rest of my life.  Then you want to write down on that list as well, all the people that hold space in your head that don’t deserve to. I speak from experience! Cut them free from your head or send them a rent bill every month, because it is not worth it. Forgive them, forgive yourself and then let it go, and repeat if and when necessary. Then, write everything else on the list that clutters your head. Like, finances, security etc. Then, go through the list and cross off things over which you have no control. Automatically, those get cut and let go. I never thought a day would come where I would complain and say, I am paying too much for my phone bill or my cable bill. But, the day came. If finances are something that fills your head with clutter, the best thing you can do it actually look at them. See where you stand. See where you can adjust and make changes. What is each worth for you to keep in your life? Call the vendors you work with and see if there is any way they can lower your monthly bill. For me, I looked at my bills, I decided to get rid of cable. Yes, it took some adjustment. But, I was already paying a membership to Amazon Prime and had access to Netflix so spending over $100 just in cable didn’t make sense. Just like 100 pairs of shoes, I didn’t need to be watching that much TV anyway. I wanted quiet in my life and to be able to hear nature. I changed car insurance companies where I actually got more for less money. My point is to look at areas of your life and see where the money is going and adjust where you can and how you can. It doesn’t happen overnight, but the shift happens and then it becomes your comfortable place. Finances are hard for people. They are often the area that keeps people in places they don’t want to be any more for many different reasons. Make financial choices that your future self will thank you for. The next two lists may be harder believe it or not.

Energetically and physically clear your space. Energetically; everything that ever happens in our space leaves a residue of energy that can become imprinted in the space. Illness, doubt, arguments, negative emotions, trauma, grief and even every day energetic junk that you pick up can build up in the rooms of your space. Prosperity, high vibration, and abundance have a difficult time in lower vibration spaces. So, remove the clutter, organize, and make room for new. A rule that I have personally followed is that, if you have not used it in six months, get rid of it. Let’s be honest, we do not always have this “urge to purge”, or clean up. But, when your body tells you it is time, listen to it and just go with it. That is the absolute best time to go through your closet, cabinets, etc. When you get that urge to organize and clean things out, your emotions will less likely to interfere with your decisions of whether or not to keep sweatpants you love but can no longer wear because they are so worn out, or the CD you bought in 1998 that you now have in your digital music collection. Which organizing my digital library is also on my declutter list, as well as organizing my computer files. But like I said, let’s take small steps.  If you are the type of person who doesn’t get that urge that is ok too; try to do a good de-clutter at the change of each season. Take that feeling and drive and make a “physical things” list. This was definitely where I saw the shift happen. Like I said, I had a lot of stuff, and a lot of stuff I simply didn’t use anymore. And, not only did I have stuff in my home, I also had some at my parent’s house too. (I know they will read this and say to themselves and you still do…again I am self-proclaimed work in progress.) Like I said before, the basic rule to de-clutter anything is; if you haven’t used it in six months it is time to let it go. This is where keeping things for sentimental reasons can come into play. You may not even want to do a list for the physical stuff and just start purging. When you have one of those moods where you just want to clean, that is your best time to do it. You will not be influenced by your emotions to keep that t-shirt from that place, a person visited and brought back for you that you never wear. No! It’s time to let that go. Now, when I decided to go through this phase I also took on being better to the environment. So, I didn’t want to throw anything away. Everything I was letting go of either had to be donated, given to a friend who wanted it, or recycled. So, make a pile of what is what. When I questioned an item, I put it in the Goodwill pile. I had a lot of really nice expensive things that I was going to let friends get first dibs on and so those went in a separate pile. The one thing I definitely came to terms with while I was doing this was that I had more than one bad habit in my twenties besides smoking. The first rule to any recovery process is admitting you have a problem. I had a big one on my hands that I didn’t want anymore. Like the shoes, I had to have because they matched my bag. Guess what, I never wore them. I bet if I added up everything I donated it would come to thousands of dollars. Someone said, “why don’t you sell these things”?  Honestly, I was at the point I just wanted to give them a new life. If they were just going to sit in my closet like they had for the last six years, it was time to let it go and cut my losses. It got to the point where a friend asked me in a concerned voice, “why are you getting rid of all your stuff”? Are you planning on moving across the world or going somewhere”? I simply told them, “I just have too much and it is an older version of myself that I no longer am, and I am ready to let that go and free myself from that version of myself.” Now listen closely people. We all have those one pair of pants or that one item that looked amazing 15 to 20lbs ago that we hang on to as a goal. It is time to let those go as well. Now, this is a multilayered physical list that, for some, may require years to fully work through and that is ok. Besides Goodwill, I also like to donate to Dress for Success, and a local organization that helps families get back on their feet after disasters like house fires etc. Maybe you want to donate your items to a church or organization you like to work with. The point is let the items you are no longer using get a fresh start with someone who needs them. It may take you longer to spread the wealth and find new homes. For instance; you have tons of new bottles of hand lotion that you know you are never going to use.  For those who can’t afford such a luxury your donation would be like a lottery win. There are a lot of women’s shelters and shelters in general that will take items off of your hands. Re-gain your energy, space and emotional well-being. You will be amazed at how accomplished, happy, lighter and at ease, you will feel once you declutter your space. Only then will you see how the clutter was impacting you. I always found that when my home felt cluttered my overall life felt cluttered and stagnant. Even after days of work and many bags of things to drop off at donation locations, I still felt like there was a lot left. But again, I am a work in progress. I, at least, got the Chi moving in my space and it was starting to feel good. In the right space, you can accomplish your dreams. Sometimes that space is outside of you, and sometimes it is internally. And, if you’re lucky, you’re outside surroundings start to match your internal cleansing process.

The last list is all the internal things you need to de-clutter which takes the longest and is often the most stubborn and challenging. Looking back I think I have been de-cluttering my soul all my life. At least feels that way. Now, I wouldn’t suggest trying to do everything at once like I did, because it can often times it can feel like a crash diet where you are setting yourself up for failure. There were many times during the soul part of the de-clutter I felt like a failure, that I need to be better, do better, and be the best version of myself I could be. Again, I think this list is one we work all of our lives because on because as humans we are constantly evolving, changing, upgrading ourselves, working through things, dissolving toxic relationships even with ourselves, and working on boundaries. Not to even mention all of the past life stuff we internally hold. If you are empathic, you are also carrying everyone else’s “stuff” you are carrying around with you also.  There is no quick fix when it comes to de-cluttering your soul. But, when you combine these lists that is where you start to see the impact on your soul. During my de-cluttering phase, I took a look at my actions, limitations, how I was treating and caring for my body, soul as well as others, and environment. I stopped using straws and reduced the amount of trash I had, and focus on how I was impacting the environment. I started taking better care of my skin, and feeling my feelings and not filling them with things. I looked at foods that I was putting in my body and how they were processed. I worked on my feelings towards myself and removed fears and triggers. This is also when you have to learn to say “NO”. Not only to other people that are causing these triggers for you but to yourself as well. No, you don’t need that etc. Whenever I “wanted to buy” something, I slept on that decision overnight and 99% of the time I didn’t want it anymore. And, yes that is something I will have to continue to work on every day. But, when you become more fulfilled internally than externally, you don’t need all this “stuff”. I used to look at the world’s problems as something that was too big for me to fix and it was so overwhelming. It is as if Humans are literally hoarding the Earth and there was nothing that I could do to make that better. But, I was wrong. I could stop contributing to the problem. By going through this process, I not only think about what I am buying from a financial standpoint, but I have a different perspective of need and want after purging my life. So, I accumulate less. I also realized that with no cable my life isn’t any less than it was and I am not missing out on that and I find less clutter in my mind. It doesn’t mean that now I am naive to the world. I just view it differently and choose to live a slower pace without the noise whenever I possibly can.

Now, this really only scratches the surface of the infinite possibilities of shifts you can experience when you de-clutter your life. Again, you will want to have patience with yourself. Don’t try and do everything at once as you may find yourself in a mind, body and soul clutter mess. Also, don’t give yourself false expectations that they next day you are suddenly going to feel amazing. Especially on the mental and soul clutter items. Now, to really de-clutter your life could take years. If that is the pace is right for you, that is ok. I still have a ton of de-cluttering left to do myself and I would imagine I will be doing it for a while still, if not my whole life. But, I do know that this process has really, for the first time, allowed me to let go of the past that I really needed to let go! Release, forgive and move forward to my present and the future me that I am building every day. One that feels fulfilled on the inside because of healthy relationships, friendship and love of myself and purpose rather than one who collects “just in case items” for a non-existing use or need.

Finally, once I have physically and energetically cleaned my home, I am started feeling like I could take a deep breath. Remember, you are going to have ups and downs and that is ok. It is not a sprint, it’s a marathon and all you can do is wake up each day and do the best you can that day and that is enough. Nothing more, nothing less than your best. Every day you have the opportunity to be the person you know you can be mistakes and all. It’s a small piece in a big picture, but can have a wonderful impact on your overall life. You don’t need to get rid of everything you own to declutter your life. It is more about the learning process that organizing and process of an item with a purpose offers. You have all you need inside of you to feel fulfilled without trying to clutter your mind, body & soul.  I hope something in this month’s blog helps you on the path to finding it.

Stay Inspired,


© 2018 Elysian Life Design. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without written permission from this site’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Elysian Life Design with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

All Things Solar Plexus Chakra…

solar plexus

What if I told you there was a spot within you where if you tapped into it, you could unlock courage, personal power and you could feel more worthy in your everyday life. We have all been there when we had a “gut” feeling about something and we knew it was going to be an issue. But, we did it anyway and then we wished we would have listened to our gut! That instinct and the key to unlocking the courage and personal power within you is called the Solar Plexus Chakra. We all have one. Even animals have one. But, most of us do not pay it any attention and we can go our whole lives that way. Until one day we open up to this energy source, and it changes our life.


What is a Chakra?

A chakra is an energy source that is within your various energy fields and the physical body. It can also be referred to as a wheel of energy.  These wheels of energy connect various energy sources within your body to each other. They then connect to your physical body, and also cosmic energy. That is how we get our “Chi, Life Force Energy, Prana” etc. We all have a large variety of Chakras within all of us. There are seven major Chakras which you may be more familiar with. Running from the Base of your tailbone up to the top of your head, these seven main Chakra’s help us stay balanced, connected and healthy. When they are all working together and aligned, they can be your best friend. But, when they are having a tough time, need support and having a temper tantrum, well let’s just say you will be in for one heck of a journey. But that is another blog in itself.


What is the Solar Plexus Chakra & Why is it important:

The Third Chakra, also known as the Solar Plexus Chakra, is just above your naval area. This energy source deals with raw emotions such as abundance, anger, frustration, personal power, success, worthiness, and intuitions. This Chakra is like your own personal vision board that you carry within you every day. It is the key to manifesting living your best life and achieving all of your desires. It is up to you to decide whether to focus on the positive aspects or negative ones.


How the Solar Plexus Chakra Affects your Physical & Emotional Health:

When this energy source is balanced, you can feel worthy, filled with confidence, happiness, feelings of achievement, success, calm and full of life like the Sun. It also allows you to remain flexible and allows you to handle life’s changes with ease. When this Chakra is unbalanced it can lead to a slew of health issues, unbalanced emotions, depression, anxiety, unhealthy boundaries, doubt, anger, digestive issues and more.

This is a unique chakra. Not only does it sit in a location that houses most of the essential organs from the stomach, large intestines, liver, nerves and headquarters for our immune system, etc. It can also be vital to our muscular system and can affect diabetes, self-esteem issues, and even arthritis.


Signs your Solar Plexus Chakra is blocked:

  • A physical health issue such as constipation, addictive behavior, reflux issues and more.
  • Difficult time keeping healthy boundaries with people and even ourselves.
  • Feeling bored with life, passive, depressed and anxious.
  • Oversensitive to thoughts and feelings and well as a feeling of vulnerability and an uneasiness of life.
  • Overwhelming feelings of shame.
  • Self- Esteem and Self-control issues.
  • Weight gain and a form of energetic protection.


Signs your Solar Plexus Chakra is balanced:

  • A clear direction of your life path and goals.
  • Balanced relationships, work ethics, physical and emotional thoughts and actions.
  • Motivation to achieve goals & desires.
  • Positive self-esteem, sense of self and core beliefs and upholding values.
  • Strong leadership skills & seeing the abundance in your life.


Ways to keep your Solar Plexus Chakra balanced & aligned:  

  • Cut your Energy Cords on a regular basis. Ideally once a day if possible.
  • Get organized in your physical space, and this will help you have the motivation to achieve other goals.
  • Incorporating yellow foods into your diet such as corn, lemons, yellow peppers, yellow squash, etc.
  • Physically work your core area in exercise.
  • Practice positive affirmations to yourself and listen to positive uplifting music and sounds.
  • Put into place healthy boundaries and set up ways to make it easy to keep them in place. For example, if you are a “yes” person to everything and someone asks you if you want to do something, simply say let me check my calendar and get back to you. This way you have some time to think about it.
  • Remember your inner roar, and that you are strong, worthy and can achieve your desires and rise above the ebbs and flows of life.
  • Spend some time in the sun and in nature connecting to the energy within you.
  • Surround yourself with yellow or gold light. Either by placing an energy bubble of these colors around you or by decorating your space in these colors.
  • Using Bergamot, Elevation, Cheer, or Lemon Essential oils. We personally recommend DoTerra Essential Oils.


I have learned that using “I AM” Affirmations specifically targeting my solar Plexus Chakra is the best and easiest way to keep it working at the desired levels. For example, some powerful ones are “I AM Worthy, I AM Enough, I AM Abundant, and I AM Achieving my dreams.” Telling yourself those simple key phrases every day can make a huge impact in making sure your Solar Plexus Chakra is balanced and healthy. I also love working with crystals for the Solar Plexus Chakra like Citrine, Tiger’s Eye, Orange Calcite, and Pyrite. Simply by carrying them on you or having them in your space can make a huge difference for you and the health of your Solar Plexus Chakra. Try getting in the habit of taking a minute each day to connect yourself to your Solar Plexus Chakra, talking positively to it, setting a daily affirmation and setting the day in a positive motion. By doing this you will create an environment that harnesses self-worth and personal power where you can achieve all. And, certainly, this can take time as we all have self-doubt, vulnerability, and fears that arise. But, take it day by day and each day give it your best effort and see what happens. The more you nurture it the more benefits you will start to see play out in your life. Then, one day you will wake up and feel that abundant joy and inner worth that was right inside of you the whole time and you will be living your desires.

I was and still am one of those people who has to constantly try to keep my Solar Plexus Chakra balanced. It is one of my weakest chakras, so I can understand firsthand the frustration it can cause in your everyday life and how it can touch each facet of life from business to personal. The best advice I can offer is to try to get to a place where you accept that you are enough just the way you are. You don’t have to be anything you aren’t in order to make others happy. Just be you. If that’s a good person or a challenging person just do the best you can and that is enough. We are all works in progress and it can take time to get to where we want to be. But, each day give yourself your best chance to make the day abundant and count towards the good in your life.

Stay Inspired,


© 2018 Elysian Life Design. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without written permission from this site’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Elysian Life Design with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.