Heart Chakra Prayer…

heart-1450300_1280The Heart Chakra is a key power center for all energy of all things related to Love. This chakra allows deep bonds with others, your sense of caring and compassion, feelings of self-love, generosity, kindness, and respect among other things. I also like to think that the Heart Chakra is where we give and receive love to ourselves and others. The colors of the Heart Chakra are Green and Pink, so you can also incorporate them in your wardrobe and accessories when you want to help your Heart Chakra.

Here is some information on how to know if you Heart Chakra is balanced or unbalanced.

When your Heart Chakra is balanced, you may feel emotions of:

Balance of Giving and Receiving, Balance in relationships, Bliss, Compassion, Courage, Emotional Wisdom, Expansion, Faith, Harmony, Healing, Healthy Boundaries, Healthy Relationships, Honesty, Joy, Oneness with Life, Openness, Peace, Self Love, and Self Nurturance.

When your Heart Chakra is unbalanced, you may feel emotions of:

Antisocial, Codependent, Conditional Love, Controlling, Critical, Demanding, Depression, Jealousy, Judgmental, Lack of Boundaries, Lack of Empathy, Self Preservation, Separation, True Forgiveness, Unconditional Love, and Withholding Love.

Some helpful ways that you can help keep your Heart Chakra open and balanced are  by doing some Heart Chakra Exercises and Tools. One of my favorite things for the Heart Chakra is using Affirmations. Here are some that may help you.

Heart Chakra Affirmations

  • I AM accepting all things as they are, and know that all is well.
  • I AM connected to the Earth & the Heavens.
  • I AM deeply and completely love and accept myself.
  • I AM forgiving myself and the the past
  • I AM grateful for all that helped me to transform and open up to love.
  • I AM joy.
  • I AM living a life in balance, happiness and gratitude.
  • I AM love, and it love is within my heart.
  • I AM one with the Universe
  • I AM open to love.
  • I AM peaceful.
  • I AM receiving love with ease and grace.
  • I AM the embodiment of love.
  • I AM wanted and loved.

Other Heart Chakra Tools:

Stones & Crystals

  • Emerald
  • Green Aventurine
  • Green Calcite
  • Jade
  • Malachite
  • Rhodochrosite
  • Rhodonite
  • Rose Quartz

The best ways to work with these crystals, are either placing them directly on the Heart Chakra, having them by your bed while you sleep, wearing them in your pocket, or holding them in your hands.

You can also use Meditation, Yoga, and Visualization.  Additionally, you can also incorporate the color of the Heart Chakra into your diet. For example, leafy green vegetables, or any green foods.

Another powerful tool you can use to help keep your Heart Chakra healthy and balanced is by using prayer. Here is a short prayer I have put together for you. Remember that “I AM” are two of the most powerful words you can say in prayer or affirmations.

Heart Chakra Prayer by Elysian Life Design

Beloved I AM presence, I come before the Universe and Source energy ready to be healed from all of my worries and all that is keeping me unbalanced in my Heart.

I declare that I AM open to giving and receiving love. I AM Love, I AM the embodiment of love. I AM Love.

With each breath, I AM breathing love into my body, and with every exhale I AM releasing worry and stress. I AM breathing in Love 24 hours a day seven days a week.

I AM Love. I AM Worthy of Love. I AM the Embodiment of Love.

I AM surrounded in love every day. I AM loving myself and others without limitation as my Heart Chakra is open and it is safe for me to share love with others.

I AM Love.

(It is recommended that you say this 3 times a day, for the most powerful results and transformation of love. )

Remember that healing your Heart Chakra may not happen overnight. But, the more you work at it, the easier it will become and the more your Heart will open and be able to heal. Remember that you are worthy of love and, to truly love others, you have to start by truly loving yourself. When you do that, all will fall into place.

Stay Inspired,


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