When Reflection Turns To Growth…

Changing Seasons Of Mysterious Woodland

Life… It can often be very complex, confusing, difficult and yet amazing, exciting and a blessing. Sometimes all of the above happen within the same day. As humans, we fluctuate our energy with the earth, and with others around us. Without the downs in life, we wouldn’t be able to appreciate the joy of the up’s and vice versa.  Over the last year and a half, it seems like both as individuals and as humanity in general, we have been pushed to the edge and asked to trust in a higher source to guide us on our path. That, however, can be hard to do. Years ago, I knew a retired priest, and I asked him, “If Jesus Christ came back to Earth, what do you think would happen?” At the time, that seemed like a very logical question. As a child, I worried about the end of days. Now, as an adult, it doesn’t have the same effects on me. So what did the priest say, you may be asking… He said “I think the same thing would happen. Not crucified, in public like before, but no one would believe him to be Jesus so that he would be persecuted again.” His answer perplexed me for so many years, and in many way it still does. As humans we can have a pattern to mistrust people. I think that may come from fears of not trusting ourselves in many ways.

Over the past month, I have noticed many people, myself included, almost doing a life review. I think there is something about the winter that brings people to reflect. Also as things around us have to die to transform, and that is often how our energy works. We have to be willing to let go and allow things about ourselves to die in a way. Old limiting beliefs. One of my least favorite limiting beliefs is my inability to forgive myself for things I didn’t know 20 years ago. How dare I have the audacity to not have an additional 20 years of wisdom when I was only a teenager? Sometimes it feels like we are constantly trying to work through something. The Human body, energy etc, is like an onion, there is always another layer to be worked out.

Maybe you spent years working through a physical issue only to find out it was an emotional issue with also left an energetic footprint. It can be so frustrating sometimes to work through all these things and feel like you are always so close to the finish line. As I mentioned before, winter is often considered a time of reflection in many ways. Without removing all the things that are no longer serving you, there is no room for all the things you are trying to create. A lot is changing in the world over the next two years. The Universe is asking you right now, do you what to continue to be untrusting of anything and everything? Or, perhaps you want believe that you are being guided every day by a higher source. Even though, believe it or not, I have my trust issues sometimes in life, I do know one thing. The Divine comes through when you need them. It may not be the way you want them to, or expect them to. But, your blessing will always be delivered to you.  So where are my top 5 things that I have learned in my own reflection time so far this year that has led to my personal growth that will perhaps help you in yours.

  1. If you are feeling unworthy of blessings in your life, or that you are not good enough in some way, STOP. Come to a place within yourself that the Creation, GOD, Universe, whatever you believe in, made you exactly how you are meant to be. From every freckle, scar, wrinkle, etc they are all battle wounds. You are perfect just being you. Only you can truly help yourself feel worthy by coming to terms with the fact that you may have your moments of imperfection. But, that is what makes you perfectly you and perfectly worthy of being you. Sometimes when I am feeling all the normal human feelings of myself and the world, and it can seem overwhelming, I talk to GOD. I ask him “what are you going to do with me?” His response… “love you”. Meaning, GOD will always love you just as you are, unconditionally.
  2. In life, we will all play the would a, sould a, could a game. Trust me, forgive yourself and move on. 99.9% of the time the stuff you are worried about won’t matter in 2 years.
  3. If you want to having truly good relationships in your life, you must first have a good relationship with yourself. Without that, you will be unable to accept the love offered by others. Life can be a hall of mirrors sometimes, and that hall of mirrors can be your worst nightmare. If something keeps reflecting at you, do yourself a favor, don’t require the other person to change, simply do some of the work and change it within yourself. It won’t always be easy, but it will be worth it. This goes for any relationship in your life, co-workers, family, friends, romantic, etc.
  4. If you start building the trust relationship with yourself, you will start seeing how you trust in others, as well as GOD, Universe, the Divine. Just take one day out of the week. For that one day, ask GOD, your Guides, Source energy to lead you. Trust your intuition just for that day and see what happens.
  5. I spent a lot of time thinking about the question that I asked the priest so many years ago about his thoughts on Jesus. Without getting into too much religion, for the sake of my findings, I am going to approach it from the Holy Trinity of the Father, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit and combine them in the word God. Here are my thoughts about that. God is everywhere and in everything. God is love, God is peace, God is the air, God is the silence, God is the person asking for help. God is within you. God is within me. Yes, there are people and things in this world that sometimes make it very difficult to trust or keep faith in humanity. But, there is still goodness and kindness in the world. When you see acts of kindness, that is God, that is Jesus, that is whatever faith you believe in showing you the works of a higher source, and that, you can always trust. The Divine will never lead you down the wrong path. It may take you awhile to get where you need to go, but you will always be there exactly when you need to.

As a new season is approaching, the trees, plants, animals are going to begin to grow, bloom and play. You will find yourself coming out of your state of reflection and be able to see your growth that took place. Remember it is not a sprint, but a marathon. You WILL get to where you need to be. So I leave you with this… Namaste (The God in me, recognizes the God in you).

Stay Inspired,


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