Your Divine Support Team…


The Divine Support Team

We all have access to a Divine Support Team, and it can be one of the most powerful spiritual tools we could ever use on our spiritual journey. In many ways, it can be the ultimate connection to the Divine. It will open and expand your mind to realize that the Divine works in an amazing way beyond our understanding and if you haven’t experienced the Divine’s gifts first hand you would find it hard to believe it was real.  Are you ready for a key part of accessing your own Divine connection?


What is your Divine Support Team?

The Divine Support Team is very important to any healing process. It can be made up of your Guides, Power Animals, Passed Love Ones, Angels, Divine beings and any Deities you may work with already, or to which you feel a connection.


Why should you work with them?

Your Divine Support Team can help you stay sane during the healing process. It is easy to feel alone when you are going through a healing crisis of some kind. But, the truth is the Divine is always there to support you. You may have to ask for the healing, help, and guidance. It may not come instantly. But, your request will be heard and it will come.


How can you work with them?

Call them in every day. Ask them to help your ground yourself and remain open to hearing them, or seeing any signs they are sending. The more you work with them the stronger the connection will become, and the level of trust will enhance. Sometimes it is as simple as asking for help from them. We have to give permission for our Divine Support Team to intervene in our life. We also highly suggest that you not only the use of signs and symbols to connect with them but also use meditation and mindful awareness of your thoughts. Here are some resources to review for more information.


The Divine, and your Divine Support Team are an extension of the Universe. You will start to see miracles in your life every day by working with them and remembering to ask for help. You may feel that issues are unsurmountable in your life. But, to the Divine, all things are possible. Remember they are on your side, and your biggest supporter. I know sometimes things don’t turn out the way we would like. But, in most cases in hindsight, we can see the blessings behind why it didn’t happen, and understand the bigger blessings that we never imagined. Hold faith that however life works out that it will hold those Divine blessings for you.

Stay Inspired,


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