Upcoming Master Year of 11/2: And…

As a new year is upon us, we wonder “what is going to happen?” Each year carries a numerological energetic vibration to it. In 2018 the Universal Energetic Vibration will be an 11/ 2 year (2+0+1+8=11 (1+1=2)). Eleven is what’s considered a Master Number and, without getting to deeply into Numerology, typically Master Numbers don’t always get reduced to a single digit like other numbers. So, it can be an 11 or a 2. The year often marks the beginning of a new direction. Have you ever heard the saying “its 11:11 make a wish”? Well, think about 2018 as your opportunity to make a wish all year long! Eleven is a significant spiritual number that calls us to awaken, live our purpose, and allow our intuition to guide us in our new level of consciousness. Here are some themes we may be looking at in our own lives based on the energetic vibration of the 11/2 numbers:

  • Be patient and wait for opportunities to come to you
  • Be positive and proactive about finding love
  • Build upon what you already have
  • Consolidate and solidify what you started last year
  • Develop psychic abilities and enhance your intuition
  • Focus on your health and well-being
  • Improve your existing relationships with others
  • Practice mindfulness; consider getting some energy healing and practice meditation or yoga
  • Recognize, express, and release repressed emotions
  • Work on personal development
  • Work on self-love

You can read about the energetic vibration of both the 11 and the 2 here:



We are living in a era where time is going by faster than ever. Everything is rushed and it feels like people are not taking a Sunday stroll through life anymore, but running through it. Some people, not all, are impatient, rude and sometimes downright mean. But, there is also a lot of good and hope in the world. We just don’t hear about it with all the fears being projected in the media. So, what does this all mean? Here is what I feel we have the chance to do as a collective group this year.

  • We will take action toward our goals and dreams that we manifested in 2017.
  • Change can become impossible to ignore as we ache for it for humanity and are asking ourselves what we are tolerate and why.
  • A bold opportunity to be patient! Not only with others, but ourselves and to accept the opportunities that the Universe is working on for us.
  • With Jupiter spending this year in Scorpio, we will all seek the truth about things and not settle for less than the truth. That may even include no longer lying to ourselves about things.
  • Have the courage to trust our ability to do what we love and to have a relationship with whom we love while making enough money to thrive and trust that the Universe and the Divine are going to provide for us in a way that is best for our higher selves.

Do I think a shift is going to take place? Absolutely! I think it has already started with the Divine Feminine energy that came in with 2017. I think we no longer have a choice but to make a shift for the better. Change can be really scary for a lot of people. So, there may be some hesitation you see in others who decide to fight the change and do it the harder way instead of embracing it and sailing with the wind. A word of wisdom from my own experiences fighting change. It happens anyways. It is just easier if you go with it verse the alternative were the Universe pushes you into it. “Passion is energy. Feel the power that comes from focusing on what excites you.” – Oprah Winfrey

This is what the Universe as a whole will be vibrating at for 2018. We have what is called our personal year number that will also play into certain themes we may see in our own lives that is based on our birthdate. So, you will have the Universal Energy and your Personal Year number vibration themes for 2018. What are yours? Don’t know yours?

Stay Inspired,


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