March 2024: Compassion, Growth, & Inspiration …

Welcome, March 2024!

This month, we may feel and experience the energies of compassion, energy expansion, growth, inspiration, and spend time reflecting on the past, present, and future as you continue to cultivate your path ahead. I have been through so many challenges in the last few months, yet I am excited to continue growing and healing with the new Spring season. There is something special about witnessing the rebirth of nature, when the animals, flowers, and trees awaken from the Winter months. This wondrous time mirrors our own healing process in life, and how after a period of inward reflection, we can lift our faces to the sky and once again say hello to the world, reborn in our own way. Many of you have probably heard that everything in life is a vibration, but did you know that the cells in our bodies carry information from every lifetime of our soul? So, when you do the inner work on yourself, you are doing it for the past, present and future you all at the same time. As Spring is upon us this month, we can all expect a moment when we feel that the lights had been off, and now they are coming on again. Light is coming back to the world to balance things.

I was reflecting on a personal story of change recently. If this sounds familiar, raise your hand. The year 2001, the time… a couple of days before Senior Prom. With my first impending nodal return and a Solar Eclipse in my first house (house of self) approaching (completely unaware at the time that a nodal return is like a realignment of a destined path), I did what any teenage girl would have done. I went over to a friend’s house with a store-brand hair highlight kit we had both purchased! (Trust me, I know better now!) This was one of those kits that involved placing a cap on your head and threading strands of hair through tiny holes to get the perfect highlight. Or so the box claimed. To make a long and funny story shorter, I can tell you, by the end of that experience, I turned to my friend and I said, “I think something went really wrong.” As I looked in the mirror, I saw that my entire head, which started off as a dark brown, was now very bleach blond. Then, I had to take corrective measures and get professional help. With all the changes in the air, if you want to create drastic changes in life, sometimes it is easier to seek the right kind of help from the beginning instead of trying to do it all yourself.

I have put together a few resources to  help you with the changes of the season:

7 Tips to Make Positive Changes

ElysianLD Life & Wellness Program

Introducing our brand new Light Code Activation Series. This is the first of the nine part series,

Light Code Activation Series 1

With the energies this month, we also experience Daylight savings on the 10th. If you find yourself having a hard time with the time change, try drinking more water and doing some mild exercise to help avoid a hard transition with turning the clocks forward.

Use March to look at these areas in your life, and see what inspires you? Where do you need growth? What areas do you have compassion for others and passions within you? Harness that and take action on it.

This month’s playlist give your physical body the help it needs to aid the alignment and growth of the rest of your systems. Listening to this playlist will help you energetically process the frequencies of the month in a fun way, as I have added some energy healing and support directly into the music.

As we enter into the last retrograde free month of 2024, this is the perfect moment to make adjustments to the plan. Perhaps you need to let something go, to make room for something new to enter. Or, you may need to make different personal choices, or co-create a brand-new path for yourself. Whatever you have been inwardly planting the last few months, itis now time to put those seeds in the light and start to watch them as they begin to grow. My personal experience tells me that the best way to let something grow is organically, and without any personal attachments to a desired outcome. This can be incredibly difficult to do sometimes, and that is where the art of surrendering can come in very handy.

Here are some other essential things to be on the lookout for this month:

March 10th – New Moon in Pisces

The Moon will be located on the same side of the Earth as the Sun and will not be visible in the night sky. This positive new moon will spark creativity, imagination, and ingenuity that Walt Disney would have loved to harness. This is the best time of the month to observe faint objects such as galaxies and star clusters because there is no moonlight to interfere.

March 19th/20th – Spring Equinox

The Sun will shine directly on the equator, and there will be nearly equal amounts of day and night throughout the world. This is also the first day of spring (vernal equinox) in the Northern Hemisphere and the first day of fall (autumnal equinox) in the Southern Hemisphere.

March 25th – Full Moon & Penumbral Lunar Eclipse in Libra

The Moon will be located on the opposite side of the Earth as the Sun and its face will be fully illuminated. An epiphany will arise in you this moon as you reach a pinnacle moment on your path, and this moment promises upcoming joy. This full moon was known by early Native American tribes as the Worm Moon because this was the time of year when the ground would begin to soften and the earthworms would reappear. A penumbral lunar eclipse occurs when the Moon passes through the Earth’s partial shadow, or penumbra. During this type of eclipse, the Moon will darken slightly but not completely. The eclipse will be visible throughout all North America, Mexico, Central America, and South America. Remember, even if you can’t see it where you are, you will certainly still feel it!

“Every great dream begins with a dreamer. Always remember, you have within you the strength, the patience, and the passion to reach for the stars to change the world.” – Harriet Tubman

Stay Inspired,

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